"openapi: 3.0.3\ninfo:\n title: Findings\n x-logo:\n icon: fa-filter\n primary: null\n secondary: null\n contact:\n name: Black Duck Software, Inc.\n url: https://polaris.blackduck.com/\n description: >\n This service provides access to query the issue management services for lists and counts of issue families, managing issue triage as applied to issue families,\n\n and unifying issue categorization information.\n\n\n The issue query engine accepts queries written in the [rsql format](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser), which is\n\n expressive yet generally easy to write by hand, and has implementations on several different platforms to aid in building\n\n queries.\n\n\n A simple filter for an issue by the issue's source language may look like this:\n\n `occurrence:language=in=('C','Java')`\n\n\n Since rsql reserves some characters in the key name, these can be escaped using URL encoding:\n\n `type:in-taxon:PCI DSS 2018=='6.5.6 High risk vulnerabilities'`\n\n\n When constructing filters, it is recommended to use `;` for `and` and `,` for `or` to combine multiple conditions. For example:\n\n `occurrence:language=='Java';occurrence:severity=='high'` (equivalent to `and`)\n\n `occurrence:language=='Java',occurrence:severity=='high'` (equivalent to `or`)\n\n\n The following keys can be used when querying _occurrences_:\n\n\n Note: The deprecated keys are meant to be used on the deprecated _issues_ endpoint.\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting | Description | RSQL\n Example | Deprecated Endpoint Key |\n\n |------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|--------------------------|\n\n | `occurrence:id` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The internal identifier of the occurrence |\n `occurrence:id=='12345'` | `issue:id` |\n\n | `occurrence:issue-id` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The issue identifier of the issue |\n `occurrence:issue-id=='67890'` | `issue:family-id` |\n\n | `occurrence:`(attribute key) | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | A named attribute of the issue |\n `occurrence:language=in=('C','Java')` | `issue:`(attribute key) |\n\n\n The following keys can be used when querying _issues_:\n\n\n Note: The deprecated keys are meant to be used on the deprecated _issue families_ endpoint.\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting |\n Description | RSQL\n Example | Deprecated Endpoint Key |\n\n |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|\n\n | `occurrence:issue-id` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The identifier of the\n issue | `occurrence:issue-id=='67890'` |\n `issue:family-id` |\n\n | `context:tool-type` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | Tool type of the\n issue | `context:tool-type=='sast'` \n | `context:tool-type` |\n\n | `context:tool-id` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The tool ID of the\n issue | `context:tool-id=in=('coverity')` |\n `context:tool-id` |\n\n | `occurrence:`(property key) | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | A named issue property of the\n issue | `occurrence:severity=in=('high','critical')` |\n `issueProperties:`(property key) |\n\n | `triage:`(property key) | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | A named triage property of the\n issue | `triage:dismissal-reason=in=('unset','false-positive')` |\n `triageProperties:`(property key)| \n\n | `type:id` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The internal identifier of the issue\n type | `type:id=='5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508'` |\n `issueType:id` |\n\n | `type:name` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The internal issue type\n name | `type:name=='FB.URF_UNREAD_FIELD'` |\n `issueType:name` |\n\n | `type:localized-name` | All standard operators and `=null=` operator | ✔ | ✔ | The localized issue type\n name | `type:localized-name=='AT: Possible atomicity violation'` |\n `issueType:localized-name` |\n\n | `type:in-taxon` | All standard operators | ✘ | ✔ | The internal identifier of the\n taxon | `type:in-taxon=='ty-1'`, `type:in-taxon=in=('tn-1','tn-2')` |\n `issueType:in-taxon` |\n\n | `type:children-of-taxon` | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ | The internal identifier of the\n taxon | `type:children-of-taxon:ty-1`, `type:children-of-taxon:hty-1` |\n `issueType:children-of-taxon` |\n\n | `derived:fix-by-status` | `==` and `=in=` operators | ✘ | ✘ | One of four keywords: `overdue`, `due-soon`, `on-track`,\n `not-set`<sup>[3]</sup> | `derived:fix-by-status=='overdue'`, `derived:fix-by-status=in=('due-soon','on-track')` | `derived:fix-by-status` |\n\n | `special:delta` | `==` and `=in=` operators | ✘ | ✘ | One of three keywords: `new`, `common`,\n `resolved`<sup>[1]</sup> | `special:delta=='resolved'`, `special:delta=in=('new','common')` |\n `special:delta` |\n\n | `special:absent-in-branch` | `==` operator | ✘ | ✘ | Request issues found in the branch of the `branchId` query param but\n absent in that of the filter's branch ID<sup>[2]</sup> | `special:absent-in-branch=='branch-uuid'` | `special:absent-in-branch` |\n\n | `special:present-in-branch` | `==` operator | ✘ | ✘ | Request issues found in the branch of the filter's branch ID but absent\n in that of the `branchId` query param<sup>[2]</sup> | `special:present-in-branch=='branch-uuid'` | `special:present-in-branch` |\n\n Notes:\n 1. A few considerations apply to `special:delta` filter:\n * It is a comparison filter for tests, and it can only compare two tests - the current one as defined by the `testId` parameter, and the immediately preceding test.\n * When the `testId` parameter is not specified, the `latest` test is used instead - this special keyword will map to the last test of each tool in the current context.\n * **Limitation**: If the `latest` keyword maps to multiple tests, it cannot be used with this filter - instead use a specific UUID for the `testId` parameter.\n * Each keyword has a special meaning:\n * `new` is for issue families present only in the current test, but not in the preceding test.\n * `resolved` is for issue families present only in the preceding test, but not in the current test.\n * `common` is for issue families present in both the current test as well as the preceding test.\n 2. A few considerations apply to `special:absent-in-branch` and `special:present-in-branch` filters:\n * The two filters must not both be present in the request.\n * When one of them is present:\n * The query parameter `projectId` or `applicationId` should be provided.\n * The query parameter `branchId` can be provided. It must satisfy the below requirements:\n * The branches specified by `branchId` and the `special` filter must not be the same.\n * The branches specified by `branchId` and the `special` filter should not belong to different projects as it is not supported.\n * If the query parameter `branchId` is not provided:\n * If `projectId` is provided, the corresponding project's default branch will be used instead.\n * If `applicationId` is provided, the corresponding application must have only one default branch which will be used instead.\n * The default branch will need to satisfy the same requirements above for `branchId`.\n 3. There are four possible values for `derived:fix-by-status`:\n * `overdue` means that the Fix By date has passed.\n * `due-soon` means that the Fix By date is within the next 7 days.\n * `on-track` means that the Fix By date is more than 7 days away.\n * `not-set` means the the Fix By date has not been set.\n * **Note:** these states are precise to the second - so a Fix By date in 7 days and 1 minute is `on-track` rather than `due-soon` - similarly, a Fix By date 1 minute ago is `overdue` rather than `due-soon`.\n \n The following keys can be used when querying _component versions_:\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting | Description | RSQL\n Example | Deprecated Endpoint Key |\n\n |---------------------------------|------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------|\n\n | `component-version:id` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions ID |\n `component-version:id=='6c637fee-b979-47e7-b2cb-64f781a4dc92'` | `component-version:id` | \n\n | `component-version:name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions name | `component-version:name=='Apache\n Commons 2.0'` | `component-version:name` |\n\n | `component-version:match-type` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions match name |\n `component-version:match-type=='FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT'` | `component-version:match-type` |\n\n | `component-version:match-score` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions match score |\n `component-version:match-score=='100'` | `component-version:match-score` |\n\n | `component:name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component name | `component:name=='Apache\n Commons'` | `component:name` |\n\n | `component-origin:id` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component origins ID |\n `component-origin:id=='07acac7d-7f3c-480a-b9f6-8b6aee732591'` | `component-origin:id` |\n\n | `license:id` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions associated licenses ID |\n `license:id=='12345'` | `license:id` |\n\n | `license:family-name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions associated licenses family name |\n `license:family-name=='PERMISSIVE'` | `license:family-name` |\n\n | `license:name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions associated licenses name | `license:name='Apache\n 2.0'` | `license:name` |\n\n | `triage:ignored` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The component versions ignored triage attribute |\n `triage:ignored=='true'` | `triageProperties:ignored` | \n\n\n The following keys can be used when querying _component origins_:\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting | Description | RSQL Example |\n\n |-----------------------|------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n | `component-origin:id` | All standard operators | ✘ | ✘ | The component origins ID | `component-origin:id=='07acac7d-7f3c-480a-b9f6-8b6aee732591'` |\n\n\n\n The following keys can be used when querying _dependency paths_:\n\n\n Note: This endpoint is deprecated.\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting | Description | RSQL Example |\n\n |-----------------------|------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|\n\n | `component-origin:id` | All standard operators | ✘ | ✘ | The component origins ID | `component-origin:id=='07acac7d-7f3c-480a-b9f6-8b6aee732591'` |\n\n\n The following keys can be used when querying _licenses_:\n\n\n | Key | Filtering | Grouping | Sorting | Description | RSQL Example |\n\n |-----------------------|------------------------|----------------------|---------------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------|\n\n | `license:id` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The licenses ID | `license:id=='12345'` |\n\n | `license:family-name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The licenses family name | `license:family-name=='PERMISSIVE'` |\n\n | `license:name` | All standard operators | ✔ | ✔ | The licenses name | `license:name='Apache 2.0'` |\n\n\n ### Scoping\n\n\n Scoping parameters are used to narrow down the results returned by the API to specific contexts. Not every endpoint supports every scope parameter, and some of these scope parameters are\n mandatory: where not mandatory, sensible defaults are used (as described below)\n\n\n The following parameters are used for scoping:\n\n\n - `applicationId` (formerly known as portfolioItemId): Results will include only objects found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n - `projectId` (formerly known as portfolioSubItemId): Results will include only objects found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n - `branchId`: Results will include only objects found in the branch specified by the ID. \n - If branchId is not supplied, the result will only include objects found in the default branch (or branches) associated with the project (or application) - unless a testId is provided which implies a specific branch\n - `testId`: The test ID or the keyword latest to further narrow down the query scope. \n - If the keyword latest is used or no testId is provided, the result will only include objects that were detected in the latest tests (each kind of tool that ran a test has their own 'latest' test).\n\n ### Pagination\n\n\n The API supports pagination to manage large sets of data. The following parameters are used for pagination:\n\n\n - `_first`: Specifies the number of items to return from the beginning of the list.\n\n - `_last`: Specifies the number of items to return from the end of the list.\n\n - `_cursor`: A cursor value that points to a specific position in the list. This is used to retrieve the next set of items. The API responses for collections provide the appropriate _cursor values\n to use in future requests.\n\n\n ## Links\n\n The _links attribute in the API responses serves as a navigational tool, providing URLs to related objects or pagination links when dealing with paginated endpoints. \n\n\n ## Media Type Changes\n\n\n Media type names used in Polaris APIs were renamed and no longer include “synopsys”. \n\n Although media types that include “synopsys” were removed from the API specifications, existing endpoints will continue to support them until September 1, 2025. \n\n Please update your scripts to use the new media types.\n\n\n **Base path change and deprecation notice**\n\n\n The base path for the Findings service is changing (from `/api/specialization-layer-service` to `/api/findings`). The `/api/specialization-layer-service/` base path will continue to function until\n `2025-09-30T23:59:59.999Z`.\n\n\n Additionally, several endpoints are being deprecated. Endpoints that are being deprecated include additional properties in response headers:\n\n\n ```\n\n \"Deprecation\": \"2025-06-30T23:59:59.999Z\",\n\n \"Link\": \"New version of API link; rel=\\\"alternate\\\"\",\n\n \"Sunset\": \"2025-09-30T23:59:59.999Z\"\n\n ```\n\n\n * `Deprecation`: The date and time when a resource will be deprecated. After this date, the resource may be removed from future versions of the API. \n\n * `Link`: A link to a supported endpoint that replicates the functionality of a deprecated one, if one exists.\n\n * `Sunset`: The date and time when a resource will be removed, and no longer be available.\n\n\n ### Media Type Negotiation\n\n\n The API supports media type negotiation to determine the format of the response, based on the request's `Accept` header.\n\n\n Each endpoint with a non-empty response will have one or more specific media types that it supports - in addition to a generic media type (e.g. `application/json` for endpoints with JSON\n responses, and `text/csv` for endpoints with CSV responses)\n\n\n ##### Default Behavior\n\n\n - If no media type is specified, the API will default to the latest matching media type.\n\n - If a generic media type is specified, the API will return the latest response that matches that media type.\n version: 1.0.0\nservers:\n - url: https://polaris.blackduck.com\ntags:\n - name: Issue query\n description: |\n Queries related to Issue. An Issue is an instance of a problem identified by Black Duck tools.\n - name: Issue Family query\n description: >\n Queries related to Issue Family. An Issue Family is one or more issues of the same type, aggregated based on each Black Duck's tool logic (to deduplicate), which share a triage state (e.g.\n dismissed as false positive).\n - name: Occurrence query\n description: |\n Queries related to Occurrence. An Occurrence is an instance of a problem identified by Black Duck tools.\n - name: Taxon query\n description: |\n Queries related to Taxon\n - name: Component Version query\n description: |\n Queries related to Component Version. A Component Version is a version of 3rd-party or open source component used in the current context.\n - name: Component Origin query\n description: |\n Queries related to Component Origin.\n - name: Dependency Path query\n description: >\n Queries related to Dependency Path. The Dependency Path is a chain of dependencies that shows where you used a component. For example: You use Apache Tomcat, which depends on OpenSSL, which\n depends on SpecificLibrary 1.5.\n - name: License query\n description: |\n Queries related to License. Licenses are required for distribution of 3rd-party components. A component version may require either a single license or a combination of licenses.\nsecurity:\n - ApiKeyAuth: []\npaths:\n /api/findings/occurrences/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetOccurrenceByID\n summary: Get occurrence by ID\n description: |\n Gets an individual occurrence by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique occurrence identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/occurrences` or as a link in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues` if `_includeType` or `_includeOccurrenceProperties` is set\n to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeProperties\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include attributes of the occurrence (by default, do not include attributes). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the occurrence.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeType\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include occurrence type information of an occurrence (by default, do not include type). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the occurrence\n type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A single occurrence.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - tenantId\n description: |\n A single occurrence.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this occurrence.\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n properties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties that have been applied to this occurrence.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the occurrence or issue.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual occurrence type belonging to an occurrence.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this occurrence type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n altName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this occurrence type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the occurrence type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n example:\n id: 1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849\n tenantId: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n type:\n id: 540599cb-2418-f3c6-a2b4-02499de22eea\n altName: missing_break:logic_error|javascript\n _localized:\n name: Omitted Break Statement in Switch\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: Missing break statement between cases in switch statement\n - key: remediation\n value: >-\n Potential mitigations include the following:\\n 1. Omitting a break statement so that one may fall through is often indistinguishable from an error, and therefore should be\n avoided. If you need to use fall-through capabilities, make sure that you have clearly documented this within the switch statement, and ensure that you have examined all the\n logical possibilities.\\n 2. The functionality of omitting a break statement could be clarified with an if statement. This method is much safer.\n properties:\n - key: local-effect\n value: Execution falls through to the next case statement or default; this might indicate a common typo.\n - key: location\n value: src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js\n - key: filename\n value: ace.js\n - key: language\n value: JavaScript\n - key: severity\n value: medium\n - key: coverity-events\n value: 7eec15d17cd5faa17078ded04d22696bbb0de3b9791259d0c54c2ef2dffc2dc7\n - key: cwe\n value: CWE-484\n - key: line-number\n value: 6785\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_includeAttributes=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/snippet?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: snippet\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/assist?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: assist\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: occurrence\n method: GET\n _type: occurrences\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/occurrences:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetOccurrences\n summary: Get occurrences\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of occurrences matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeProperties\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include attributes of the occurrence (by default, do not include attributes). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the occurrence.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeType\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include occurrence type information of an occurrence (by default, do not include type). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the occurrence\n type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of occurrences.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - tenantId\n description: |\n A single occurrence.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this occurrence.\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n properties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties that have been applied to this occurrence.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the occurrence or issue.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual occurrence type belonging to an occurrence.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this occurrence type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n altName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this occurrence type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the occurrence type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n example:\n items:\n - _cursor: '==ABCDEGF'\n id: 1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849\n tenantId: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n type:\n id: 540599cb-2418-f3c6-a2b4-02499de22eea\n altName: missing_break:logic_error|javascript\n _localized:\n name: Omitted Break Statement in Switch\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: Missing break statement between cases in switch statement\n - key: remediation\n value: >-\n Potential mitigations include the following:\\n 1. Omitting a break statement so that one may fall through is often indistinguishable from an error, and therefore should\n be avoided. If you need to use fall-through capabilities, make sure that you have clearly documented this within the switch statement, and ensure that you have examined\n all the logical possibilities.\\n 2. The functionality of omitting a break statement could be clarified with an if statement. This method is much safer.\n properties:\n - key: local-effect\n value: Execution falls through to the next case statement or default; this might indicate a common typo.\n - key: location\n value: src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js\n - key: filename\n value: ace.js\n - key: language\n value: JavaScript\n - key: severity\n value: medium\n - key: coverity-events\n value: 7eec15d17cd5faa17078ded04d22696bbb0de3b9791259d0c54c2ef2dffc2dc7\n - key: cwe\n value: CWE-484\n - key: line-number\n value: 6785\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_includeAttributes=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/snippet?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: snippet\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/assist?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: assist\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: occurrence\n method: GET\n _type: occurrences\n _collection:\n itemCount: 9\n pageCount: 5\n _type: occurrences\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=100\n rel: next\n method: GET\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/occurrences/{id}/snippet:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetOccurrenceSnippet\n summary: Get occurrence snippet\n description: |\n Gets the code snippet associated with this occurrence.\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique occurrence identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/occurrences` or as a link in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues` if `_includeType` or `_includeOccurrenceProperties` is set\n to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n The contents of a code snippet.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n The contents of a code snippet.\n properties:\n main-event-file-path:\n type: string\n title: The main event file path.\n description: |\n The path to the file that contains the main event of the occurrence. If path stripping is used, this should be the stripped file path.\n example: projects/Instagram_profile/main.py\n main-event-line-number:\n type: integer\n title: The main event line number.\n description: |\n The line number in the main event source file where the main event occurs.\n example: 58\n language:\n type: string\n title: The code language\n description: |\n The programming language that the event files are written in.\n example: python\n example-events-caption:\n type: string\n title: The example events caption\n description: |\n The caption to use when listing the example events.\n example: Additional context\n example-events-groups:\n type: array\n title: The example events group\n description: |\n All example event groups are listed in order here. Note that event sets should be listed in order.\n nullable: true\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n event-set:\n type: integer\n title: The event set number\n description: |\n Used to identify the set that the events in this object belong to.\n example: 1\n events:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: '#/paths/~1api~1findings~1occurrences~1{id}~1snippet/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json/schema/properties/events/items'\n events:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n title: The events schema\n description: |\n An explanation about the purpose of this instance.\n properties:\n event-description:\n type: string\n title: The event description\n description: |\n A description of the event.\n example: Any property of \"sys.argv\" is a source of untrusted data.\n event-number:\n type: integer\n title: The event number\n description: |\n The ordinal position of the event in the sequence of events.\n example: 1\n event-set:\n type: integer\n title: The event set\n description: |\n An identification of the set this event belongs to.\n example: 0\n event-tag:\n type: string\n title: The event tag\n description: |\n The event tag as specified by Coverity.\n example: taint\n event-type:\n type: string\n title: The event type\n description: >\n The type of event - Can be one of MAIN / PATH / EVIDENCE / EXAMPLE / SUPPORTING. An event is considered a main event if it's marked as 'main' in a SAST scan. Else an event\n is a path event if the event-tag is set to 'path'. Else if the event is contained inside the 'evidence-events' below, it is considered an 'evidence' event. Else if the\n event-set is > 0, it is considered an 'example' event. In all other cases it is considered a 'supporting' event.\n enum:\n - MAIN\n - PATH\n - EVIDENCE\n - EXAMPLE\n - SUPPORTING\n example: SUPPORTING\n line-number:\n type: integer\n title: The line number\n description: |\n The line number where the event occurs in the file path.\n example: 58\n source-before:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n A description of the source code.\n properties:\n start-line:\n type: integer\n title: The start line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet starts at.\n example: 58\n end-line:\n type: integer\n title: The end line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet ends at.\n example: 60\n source-code:\n type: string\n title: The source code\n description: |\n The source snippets as a string. Each line of the source will be delimited by the end-line character `\\n`.\n example: |2-\n pp_download(sys.argv[-1])\n pprint.pprint(output)\n \n source-after:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n A description of the source code.\n properties:\n start-line:\n type: integer\n title: The start line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet starts at.\n example: 58\n end-line:\n type: integer\n title: The end line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet ends at.\n example: 60\n source-code:\n type: string\n title: The source code\n description: |\n The source snippets as a string. Each line of the source will be delimited by the end-line character `\\n`.\n example: |2-\n pp_download(sys.argv[-1])\n pprint.pprint(output)\n \n file-path:\n type: string\n title: The file path\n description: |\n The stripped file path of the file where the event occurs.\n example: projects/Instagram_profile/main.py\n evidence-events:\n type: array\n title: The evidence events\n description: |\n The nested or child subevents of this event. These are called as Evidence Events.\n nullable: true\n items:\n $ref: '#/paths/~1api~1findings~1occurrences~1{id}~1snippet/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json/schema/properties/events/items'\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/occurrences/{id}/assist:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetOccurrenceAssist\n summary: Generate SAST remediation guidance with Polaris Assist\n description: >\n Generate remediation guidance for a SAST occurrence using Polaris Assist. Successful responses include user-agnostic feedback from previous requests (if available). \n\n\n **Warning**: Polaris Assist generates results created by artificial intelligence (AI) or other automated technologies. Such results are provided for informational purposes only and should not\n be relied upon for any specific purpose without verification of its accuracy or completeness.\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique occurrence identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/occurrences` or as a link in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues` if `_includeType` or `_includeOccurrenceProperties` is set\n to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n Remediation guidance from Polaris Assist for a SAST occurrence.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n Remediation guidance from Polaris Assist for a SAST occurrence. Includes user-agnostic feedback from previous requests (if available).\n required:\n - id\n - summary\n - codeAnalysis\n - analysis\n - suggestedFix\n - feedbackResponses\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: A unique ID that identifies this response playload.\n example: a0f2981a-8273-44cb-82c5-276992f30ce9\n summary:\n type: string\n description: A short and generic description of the occurrence type.\n example: Function return value ignored, leading to potential security vulnerabilities. CWE-252.\n codeAnalysis:\n type: string\n description: A line-by-line summary of the code snippet in which the occurrence is found.\n example: |\n • The Dockerfile is used to create a custom image for continuous integration.\n • It starts with importing Ubuntu version Jammy-20230425.\n • The setup.sh and get-jdk-url.sh files are added to the image.\n • The setup.sh file is executed to install necessary packages.\n • The environment variables JAVA_HOME, JDK17, and JDK21 are set to specific locations.\n • This image can be used as a base image to run CI/CD pipelines and build/testing processes.\n analysis:\n type: string\n description: A short and specific description of the occurrence.\n example: |\n The critical line of code is 1277, where the value returned from the `is.read` function indicating the number of bytes read is being ignored.\n This can lead to potential errors or unexpected behavior.\n suggestedFix:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: A revision (in code) that may fix the occurrence, a short explanation of how to fix the occurrence, or null if a fix cannot be determined.\n example: |\n 4 COPY get-jdk-url.sh /get-jdk-url.sh\n feedbackResponses:\n type: array\n description: >\n An array of feedback objects submitted against a response from Polaris Assist for this occurrence. Feedback is submitted with the `PATCH /occurrences/{id}/assist/{assistId}`\n endpoint.\n\n At this time, `feedbackResponses` will always be empty.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n User-submitted feedback is positive or negative, and may include a comment.\n required:\n - disposition\n properties:\n disposition:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n Whether the user considered the remediation guidance provided by Polaris Assist to be helpful (`true`) or not (`false`).\n example: true\n comment:\n type: string\n description: |\n An optional comment used to qualify feedback.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/occurrences/{id}/assist/{assistId}:\n patch:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyProvideOccurrenceAssistFeedback\n summary: Provide feedback on SAST remediation guidance from Polaris Assist\n description: |\n Provide feedback on a response from Polaris Assist (generated with the `GET /occurrences/{id}/assist` endpoint).\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique occurrence identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/occurrences` or as a link in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues` if `_includeType` or `_includeOccurrenceProperties` is set\n to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: assistId\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier for remediation guidance in a response from Polaris Assist. Find this ID in 200 responses to the `GET /occurrences/{id}/assist` request.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n description: |\n The user-provided feedback regarding the value and accuracy of the Polaris Assist information.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.occurrences-1+json:\n schema:\n type: array\n description: |\n A list of feedback responses to attach to the Polaris Assist information.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - op\n - path\n - value\n description: >\n A JSON Patch operation that adds feedback to remediation guidance generated with Polaris Assist and follows the [RFC 6902](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902)\n specification.\n properties:\n op:\n type: string\n description: |\n The operation to perform on the resource. Only `add` is supported.\n enum:\n - add\n path:\n type: string\n description: |\n A JSON Pointer that references the resource to modify. Only `/feedbackResponses/-` is supported.\n enum:\n - /feedbackResponses/-\n value:\n type: object\n description: |\n User-submitted feedback is positive or negative, and may include a comment.\n required:\n - disposition\n properties:\n disposition:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n Whether the user considered the remediation guidance provided by Polaris Assist to be helpful (`true`) or not (`false`).\n example: true\n comment:\n type: string\n description: |\n An optional comment used to qualify feedback.\n responses:\n '204':\n description: Feedback was successfully received and stored.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/occurrences/{id}/artifacts/{artifactId}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetArtifactById\n summary: Get artifact by ID\n description: |\n Gets an artifact by ID for a DAST occurrence.\n tags:\n - Occurrence query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique occurrence identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/occurrences` or as a link in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues` if `_includeType` or `_includeOccurrenceProperties` is set\n to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: artifactId\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique artifact identifier. This ID can be found as part of the attributes / properties of a DAST occurrence or DAST occurrence.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n The contents of an artifact associated with a DAST occurrence.\n content:\n text/plain:\n schema:\n type: string\n description: The Base64-encoded representation of an artifact.\n example: R0VUIC9hZG1pbi8KSFRUUC8xLjEKQ29ubmVjdGlvbjogS2VlcC1BbGl2ZQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiBuby1jYWNoZQpBY2NlcHQtTGFuZ3VhZ2U6IGVuLVVTCkFjY2VwdDogKi8q\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueByID\n summary: Get issue by ID\n description: |\n Gets an individual issue by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues/_actions/list` or as a link in `/issue-families/{id}` or `/issue-families/_actions/list` if `_includeIssueType` or\n `_includeIssueProperties` is set to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeAttributes\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include attributes of the issue (by default, do not include attributes). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the issue.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A single issue.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-1+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - id\n - familyId\n - familyKey\n - uploadSet\n - type\n - tenantId\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue.\n familyId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique issue family ID of this issue.\n familyKey:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key of this issue.\n uploadSet:\n type: string\n description: |\n The upload set that this issue belongs to.\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n attributes:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties that have been applied to this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getIssues\n summary: Get issues\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of issues matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeAttributes\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include attributes of the issue (by default, do not include attributes). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the issue.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of issues.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - familyId\n - familyKey\n - uploadSet\n - type\n - tenantId\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue.\n familyId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique issue family ID of this issue.\n familyKey:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key of this issue.\n uploadSet:\n type: string\n description: |\n The upload set that this issue belongs to.\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n attributes:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties that have been applied to this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/{id}/snippet:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueSnippet\n summary: Get issue snippet\n description: |\n Gets the code snippet associated with this issue.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues/_actions/list` or as a link in `/issue-families/{id}` or `/issue-families/_actions/list` if `_includeIssueType` or\n `_includeIssueProperties` is set to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n The contents of a code snippet.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.snippet-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n The contents of a code snippet.\n properties:\n main-event-file-path:\n type: string\n title: The main event file path.\n description: |\n The path to the file that contains the main event of the issue. If path stripping is used, this should be the stripped file path.\n example: projects/Instagram_profile/main.py\n main-event-line-number:\n type: integer\n title: The main event line number.\n description: |\n The line number in the main event source file where the main event occurs.\n example: 58\n language:\n type: string\n title: The code language\n description: |\n The programming language that the event files are written in.\n example: python\n example-events-caption:\n type: string\n title: The example events caption\n description: |\n The caption to use when listing the example events.\n example: Additional context\n example-events-groups:\n type: array\n title: The example events group\n description: |\n All example event groups are listed in order here. Note that event sets should be listed in order.\n nullable: true\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n event-set:\n type: integer\n title: The event set number\n description: |\n Used to identify the set that the events in this object belong to.\n example: 1\n events:\n type: array\n items:\n $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1issues~1{id}~1snippet/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.snippet-1+json/schema/properties/events/items\n events:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n title: The events schema\n description: |\n An explanation about the purpose of this instance.\n properties:\n event-description:\n type: string\n title: The event description\n description: |\n A description of the event.\n example: Any property of \"sys.argv\" is a source of untrusted data.\n event-number:\n type: integer\n title: The event number\n description: |\n The ordinal position of the event in the sequence of events.\n example: 1\n event-set:\n type: integer\n title: The event set\n description: |\n An identification of the set this event belongs to.\n example: 0\n event-tag:\n type: string\n title: The event tag\n description: |\n The event tag as specified by Coverity.\n example: taint\n event-type:\n type: string\n title: The event type\n description: >\n The type of event - Can be one of MAIN / PATH / EVIDENCE / EXAMPLE / SUPPORTING. An event is considered a main event if it's marked as 'main' in a SAST scan. Else an event\n is a path event if the event-tag is set to 'path'. Else if the event is contained inside the 'evidence-events' below, it is considered an 'evidence' event. Else if the\n event-set is > 0, it is considered an 'example' event. In all other cases it is considered a 'supporting' event.\n enum:\n - MAIN\n - PATH\n - EVIDENCE\n - EXAMPLE\n - SUPPORTING\n example: SUPPORTING\n line-number:\n type: integer\n title: The line number\n description: |\n The line number where the event occurs in the file path.\n example: 58\n source-before:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n A description of the source code.\n properties:\n start-line:\n type: integer\n title: The start line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet starts at.\n example: 58\n end-line:\n type: integer\n title: The end line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet ends at.\n example: 60\n source-code:\n type: string\n title: The source code\n description: |\n The source snippets as a string. Each line of the source will be delimited by the end-line character `\\n`.\n example: |2-\n pp_download(sys.argv[-1])\n pprint.pprint(output)\n \n source-after:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n A description of the source code.\n properties:\n start-line:\n type: integer\n title: The start line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet starts at.\n example: 58\n end-line:\n type: integer\n title: The end line\n description: |\n Indicates the line the source snippet ends at.\n example: 60\n source-code:\n type: string\n title: The source code\n description: |\n The source snippets as a string. Each line of the source will be delimited by the end-line character `\\n`.\n example: |2-\n pp_download(sys.argv[-1])\n pprint.pprint(output)\n \n file-path:\n type: string\n title: The file path\n description: |\n The stripped file path of the file where the event occurs.\n example: projects/Instagram_profile/main.py\n evidence-events:\n type: array\n title: The evidence events\n description: |\n The nested or child subevents of this event. These are called as Evidence Events.\n nullable: true\n items:\n $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1issues~1{id}~1snippet/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.snippet-1+json/schema/properties/events/items\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/{id}/assist:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueAssist\n summary: Generate SAST remediation guidance with Polaris Assist\n description: >\n Generate remediation guidance for a SAST issue using Polaris Assist. Successful responses include user-agnostic feedback from previous requests (if available). \n\n\n **Warning**: Polaris Assist generates results created by artificial intelligence (AI) or other automated technologies. Such results are provided for informational purposes only and should not\n be relied upon for any specific purpose without verification of its accuracy or completeness.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues/_actions/list` or as a link in `/issue-families/{id}` or `/issue-families/_actions/list` if `_includeIssueType` or\n `_includeIssueProperties` is set to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n Remediation guidance from Polaris Assist for a SAST issue.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-assist-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n Remediation guidance from Polaris Assist for a SAST issue. Includes user-agnostic feedback from previous requests (if available).\n required:\n - id\n - summary\n - codeAnalysis\n - analysis\n - suggestedFix\n - feedbackResponses\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: A unique ID that identifies this response playload.\n example: a0f2981a-8273-44cb-82c5-276992f30ce9\n summary:\n type: string\n description: A short and generic description of the issue type.\n example: Function return value ignored, leading to potential security vulnerabilities. CWE-252.\n codeAnalysis:\n type: string\n description: A line-by-line summary of the code snippet in which the issue is found.\n example: |\n • The Dockerfile is used to create a custom image for continuous integration.\n • It starts with importing Ubuntu version Jammy-20230425.\n • The setup.sh and get-jdk-url.sh files are added to the image.\n • The setup.sh file is executed to install necessary packages.\n • The environment variables JAVA_HOME, JDK17, and JDK21 are set to specific locations.\n • This image can be used as a base image to run CI/CD pipelines and build/testing processes.\n analysis:\n type: string\n description: A short and specific description of the issue.\n example: |\n The critical line of code is 1277, where the value returned from the `is.read` function indicating the number of bytes read is being ignored.\n This can lead to potential errors or unexpected behavior.\n suggestedFix:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: A revision (in code) that may fix the issue, a short explanation of how to fix the issue, or null if a fix cannot be determined.\n example: |\n 4 COPY get-jdk-url.sh /get-jdk-url.sh\n feedbackResponses:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of feedback objects submitted against a response from Polaris Assist for this issue. Feedback is submitted with the `PATCH /issues/{id}/assist/{assistId}` endpoint.\n At this time, `feedbackResponses` will always be empty.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n User-submitted feedback is positive or negative, and may include a comment.\n required:\n - disposition\n properties:\n disposition:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n Whether the user considered the remediation guidance provided by Polaris Assist to be helpful (`true`) or not (`false`).\n example: true\n comment:\n type: string\n description: |\n An optional comment used to qualify feedback.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/{id}/assist/{assistId}:\n patch:\n operationId: provideIssueAssistFeedback\n summary: Provide feedback on SAST remediation guidance from Polaris Assist\n description: |\n Provide feedback on a response from Polaris Assist (generated with the `GET /issues/{id}/assist` endpoint).\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues/_actions/list` or as a link in `/issue-families/{id}` or `/issue-families/_actions/list` if `_includeIssueType` or\n `_includeIssueProperties` is set to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: assistId\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique identifier for remediation guidance in a response from Polaris Assist. Find this ID in 200 responses to the `GET /issues/{id}/assist` request.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n description: |\n The user-provided feedback regarding the value and accuracy of the Polaris Assist information.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-assist-feedback-patch-1+json:\n schema:\n type: array\n description: |\n A list of feedback responses to attach to the Polaris Assist information.\n minItems: 1\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - op\n - path\n - value\n description: >\n A JSON Patch operation that adds feedback to remediation guidance generated with Polaris Assist and follows the [RFC 6902](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902)\n specification.\n properties:\n op:\n type: string\n description: |\n The operation to perform on the resource. Only `add` is supported.\n enum:\n - add\n path:\n type: string\n description: |\n A JSON Pointer that references the resource to modify. Only `/feedbackResponses/-` is supported.\n enum:\n - /feedbackResponses/-\n value:\n type: object\n description: |\n User-submitted feedback is positive or negative, and may include a comment.\n required:\n - disposition\n properties:\n disposition:\n type: boolean\n description: |\n Whether the user considered the remediation guidance provided by Polaris Assist to be helpful (`true`) or not (`false`).\n example: true\n comment:\n type: string\n description: |\n An optional comment used to qualify feedback.\n responses:\n '204':\n description: Feedback was successfully received and stored.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issues/{id}/artifacts/{artifactId}:\n get:\n operationId: getArtifactById\n summary: Get artifact by ID\n description: |\n Gets an artifact by ID for a DAST issue.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: >-\n The unique issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues/_actions/list` or as a link in `/issue-families/{id}` or `/issue-families/_actions/list` if `_includeIssueType` or\n `_includeIssueProperties` is set to `true`\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: artifactId\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The unique artifact identifier. This ID can be found as part of the attributes / properties of a DAST issue or DAST issue-family.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n The contents of an artifact associated with a DAST issue.\n content:\n text/plain:\n schema:\n type: string\n description: The Base64-encoded representation of an artifact.\n example: R0VUIC9hZG1pbi8KSFRUUC8xLjEKQ29ubmVjdGlvbjogS2VlcC1BbGl2ZQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiBuby1jYWNoZQpBY2NlcHQtTGFuZ3VhZ2U6IGVuLVVTCkFjY2VwdDogKi8q\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/findings/issues/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssueByID\n summary: Get issue\n description: |\n Gets an individual issue by its identifier, within the scope specified by the query parameters.\n\n The issues matching this issue will be provided via an \"issue-list\" link.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues`, or under `id` in `/issues/{id}`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeType\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include type information of an issue (by default, do not include issueType). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeOccurrenceProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include properties and weakness id of a sample issue on issue response (by default, do not include occurrenceProperties). Use this query parameter to include\n additional information about the issue properties.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeFirstDetectedOn\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the firstDetectedOn field on issue response (by default, do not include firstDetectedOn). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the\n first detection of an issue.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeContext\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the context object. Use this query parameter to include additional information about the context of the issue.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A single issue.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n description: |\n A single issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue ID.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual type belonging to an issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n altName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue.\n properties:\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue.\n example: 2021.9.3\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n occurrenceProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the occurrence or issue.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n example:\n id: B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2\n weaknessId: w-969\n firstDetectedOn: '2024-06-13T18:45:13.234Z'\n context:\n toolType: sast\n toolId: coverity\n toolVersion: 2021.9.3\n date: '2024-09-26T18:25:55.225Z'\n tenantId: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18\n rel: application\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd\n rel: project\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd/branches/5ccdd3b3-eec1-498e-8ca1-b3c26e64f21f\n rel: branch\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd/branches?_filter=id=in=('09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26','56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce')\n rel: other-branches\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/test-manager/tests/4f1cbdd5-21e4-498e-827a-df8ca7bbe0e6\n rel: test\n method: GET\n type:\n id: 540599cb-2418-f3c6-a2b4-02499de22eea\n altName: missing_break:logic_error|javascript\n _localized:\n name: Omitted Break Statement in Switch\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: Missing break statement between cases in switch statement\n - key: remediation\n value: |\n Potential mitigations include the following:\n 1. Omitting a break statement so that one may fall through is often indistinguishable from an error, and therefore should be avoided. If you need to use fall-through capabilities, make sure that you have clearly documented this within the switch statement, and ensure that you have examined all the logical possibilities.\n 2. The functionality of omitting a break statement could be clarified with an if statement. This method is much safer.\n occurrenceProperties:\n - key: local-effect\n value: Execution falls through to the next case statement or default; this might indicate a common typo.\n - key: language\n value: JavaScript\n - key: severity\n value: medium\n - key: filename\n value: ace.js\n - key: line-number\n value: 6785\n - key: cwe\n value: CWE-484\n - key: coverity-events\n value: 7eec15d17cd5faa17078ded04d22696bbb0de3b9791259d0c54c2ef2dffc2dc7\n - key: location\n value: src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js\n triageProperties:\n - key: status\n value: dismissed\n - key: dismissal-reason\n value: other\n - key: is-dismissed\n value: true\n - key: jira-export-status\n value: Test\n - key: comment\n value: testing...\n _links:\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_includeType=true&_includeOccurrenceProperties=true&_includeTriageProperties=true&_includeFirstDetectedOn=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/detection-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: detection-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: occurrence\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/snippet?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: snippet\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/assist?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: assist\n method: GET\n - href: https://integration-api.securecodewarrior.com/api/v1/trial?Id=blackduck_polaris&MappingList=cwe&MappingKey=484&LanguageKey=JavaScript\n rel: secure-code-warrior\n method: GET\n _type: issues\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssues\n summary: Get issues\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of issues matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeType\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include type information of an issue (by default, do not include issueType). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeOccurrenceProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include properties and weakness id of a sample issue on issue response (by default, do not include occurrenceProperties). Use this query parameter to include\n additional information about the issue properties.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeFirstDetectedOn\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the firstDetectedOn field on issue response (by default, do not include firstDetectedOn). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the\n first detection of an issue.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of issues.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n description: |\n A single issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue ID.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n type:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual type belonging to an issue.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n altName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue.\n properties:\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue.\n example: 2021.9.3\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n occurrenceProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the occurrence or issue.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n example:\n _items:\n - _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n id: B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2\n weaknessId: w-969\n firstDetectedOn: '2024-06-13T18:45:13.234Z'\n context:\n toolType: sast\n toolId: coverity\n toolVersion: 2021.9.3\n date: '2024-09-26T18:25:55.225Z'\n tenantId: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18\n rel: application\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd\n rel: project\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd/branches/5ccdd3b3-eec1-498e-8ca1-b3c26e64f21f\n rel: branch\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/applications/f808ee10-408d-4b34-a9b1-a419cad7cf18/projects/a18f3786-901e-4fb5-aab2-7d24723929dd/branches?_filter=id=in=('09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26','56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce')\n rel: other-branches\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/test-manager/tests/4f1cbdd5-21e4-498e-827a-df8ca7bbe0e6\n rel: test\n method: GET\n type:\n id: 540599cb-2418-f3c6-a2b4-02499de22eea\n altName: missing_break:logic_error|javascript\n _localized:\n name: Omitted Break Statement in Switch\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: Missing break statement between cases in switch statement\n - key: remediation\n value: |\n Potential mitigations include the following:\n 1. Omitting a break statement so that one may fall through is often indistinguishable from an error, and therefore should be avoided. If you need to use fall-through capabilities, make sure that you have clearly documented this within the switch statement, and ensure that you have examined all the logical possibilities.\n 2. The functionality of omitting a break statement could be clarified with an if statement. This method is much safer.\n occurrenceProperties:\n - key: local-effect\n value: Execution falls through to the next case statement or default; this might indicate a common typo.\n - key: language\n value: JavaScript\n - key: severity\n value: medium\n - key: filename\n value: ace.js\n - key: line-number\n value: 6785\n - key: cwe\n value: CWE-484\n - key: coverity-events\n value: 7eec15d17cd5faa17078ded04d22696bbb0de3b9791259d0c54c2ef2dffc2dc7\n - key: location\n value: src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js\n triageProperties:\n - key: status\n value: dismissed\n - key: dismissal-reason\n value: other\n - key: is-dismissed\n value: true\n - key: jira-export-status\n value: Test\n - key: comment\n value: testing...\n _links:\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_includeType=true&_includeOccurrenceProperties=true&_includeTriageProperties=true&_includeFirstDetectedOn=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/detection-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: detection-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: occurrence\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/snippet?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: snippet\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/occurrences/1ef29b40-b6ad-6f6b-8a7e-d13fe4c64849/assist?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: assist\n method: GET\n - href: https://integration-api.securecodewarrior.com/api/v1/trial?Id=blackduck_polaris&MappingList=cwe&MappingKey=484&LanguageKey=JavaScript\n rel: secure-code-warrior\n method: GET\n _type: issues\n _collection:\n itemCount: 9\n pageCount: 5\n _type: issues\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=100\n rel: next\n method: GET\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/{id}/triage-history:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssueTriageHistory\n summary: Get issue triage history\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of triage history for this issue within an application or project. By default the most recent items appear first.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues`, or under `id` in `/issues/{id}`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of triage transactions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n properties:\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n example:\n _items:\n - latestTimestamp: '2024-09-24T16:27:24.534Z'\n triageProperties:\n - key: status\n value: dismissed\n timestamp: '2024-09-24T16:27:24.534Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n - key: dismissal-reason\n value: other\n timestamp: '2024-09-24T16:27:24.534Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n - key: is-dismissed\n value: true\n timestamp: '2024-09-24T16:27:24.534Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n - key: jira-export-status\n value: Test\n timestamp: '2024-07-31T22:01:13.781Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n - key: comment\n value: testing...\n timestamp: '2024-09-24T16:27:24.534Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n _type: triage-history-events\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: latest-author\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=1\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_last=1\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/triage-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=1\n rel: next\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: issue\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 92\n pageCount: 92\n _type: triage-history-events\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/{id}/detection-history:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssueDetectionHistory\n summary: Get issue detection history\n description: |\n Gets an individual issue's detection history by its issue identifier, within the scope specified by the query parameters.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issues`, or under `id` in `/issues/{id}`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n An issue's detection history.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - history\n description: |\n An issue's detection history.\n properties:\n history:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of detection history events.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A single event of issue detection history.\n properties:\n eventType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The event type of the current event.\n enum:\n - FIRST_DETECTED\n - ABSENT\n - DETECTED_AGAIN\n example: FIRST_DETECTED\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date in which the current event took place.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n example:\n history:\n - eventType: DETECTED_AGAIN\n date: '2023-11-10T14:38:16.222Z'\n - eventType: ABSENT\n date: '2023-11-10T14:37:16.222Z'\n - eventType: FIRST_DETECTED\n date: '2023-11-10T14:36:16.222Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2/detection-history?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n method: GET\n rel: issue\n _type: detection-history-events\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/_actions/triage:\n post:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyUpdateIssue\n summary: Update issues\n description: |\n Inserts triage for the issues matching the specified filter within a application or project.\n Only the provided keys will be considered here.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n The attributes of a bulk triage on a list of issues, keyed by the triage attribute key.\n properties:\n filter:\n type: string\n description: >-\n A simple filter for issues by issues ID or triage properties that may look like this: occurrence:occurrence-id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508',\n '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58') or triage:status=='not-reviewed'\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual attribute of triage on an issue.\n properties:\n key:\n description: The key of this triage attribute. There are different keys for internal and external users.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `is-published` accepts boolean values.\n * `to-reviewed` accepts boolean values.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - is-published\n - to-reviewed\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for external / customer users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `owner` accepts string values representing a UUID or null.\n * `fix-by` accepts string values representing ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamps or null.\n * `bts-key` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-link` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-status` accepts string values.\n * `bts-state` accepts string values.\n * `bts-type` accepts string values.\n * `jira-key` is the same as 'bts-key'.\n * `jira-export-link` is the same as 'bts-export-link'.\n * `jira-export-status` is the same as 'bts-export-status'.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - owner\n - fix-by\n - bts-key\n - bts-export-link\n - bts-export-status\n - bts-state\n - bts-type\n - jira-key (deprecated)\n - jira-export-link (deprecated)\n - jira-export-status (deprecated)\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Different keys have different potential values.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `declined` is for when an issue has intentionally not been reviewed.\n * `reviewed` is for when an issue has been reviewed.\n * `review-pending` is for when an issue has not been reviewed yet (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - declined\n - reviewed\n - review-pending\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for external / customer users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `to-be-fixed` is for when an issue has been reviewed but not fixed.\n * `not-dismissed` is for when an issue has not been fixed or dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - to-be-fixed\n - not-dismissed (default)\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `component-excluded` is for when an issue's related component version is ignored.\n * `intentional` is for when an issue has been intentionally kept in the code.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - component-excluded\n - intentional\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n examples:\n assessor:\n summary: An example for an assessor\n value:\n filter: occurrence:id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508', '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58')\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my assessor comment\n - key: status\n value: reviewed\n - key: to-reviewed\n value: true\n customer:\n summary: An example for a customer\n value:\n filter: occurrence:id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508', '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58')\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my customer comment\n - key: status\n value: to-be-fixed\n - key: owner\n value: 7bcceca3-fa5a-46c9-867c-a1bd8e266107\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A count of triaged issues.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n A count of triaged issues.\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - count\n properties:\n count:\n type: integer\n description: The total count of triage operations.\n _type:\n type: string\n example: triaged-entities-count\n example:\n count: 2\n _type: triaged-entities-count\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssueCount\n summary: Count issues\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of issue counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 5\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 5\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeAverageAge\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the averageAgeInDays of the issues on issue count response (by default, do not include averageAge). Use this query parameter to include additional information\n about the issue counts.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of issue aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n required:\n - group\n - count\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n childTaxaGroup:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup key. When present, this can be used to get aggregation results for the subgroup.\n valueId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup ID. When present, this can be used to filter results for the subgroup.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n averageAgeInDays:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of days (rounded up) since the first detection of the issues in the current group.\n\n If the count is zero, then this field is given a null value.\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n example:\n _items:\n - count: 58\n averageAgeInDays: 107\n group:\n - key: occurrence:severity\n value: low\n _cursor: '==ABCDEGF'\n _type: issue-counts\n - count: 70\n averageAgeInDays: 107\n group:\n - key: occurrence:severity\n value: medium\n _cursor: '==ABCDEGF'\n _type: issue-counts\n - count: 49\n averageAgeInDays: 103\n group:\n - key: occurrence:severity\n value: high\n _cursor: '==ABCDEGF'\n _type: issue-counts\n _links:\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/count?testId=852b39f0-5ad9-4ea9-a812-cb5d786694e5&_group=occurrence:severity&_includeAverageAge=true&applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/count?testId=852b39f0-5ad9-4ea9-a812-cb5d786694e5&_group=occurrence:severity&_includeAverageAge=true&applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/count?testId=852b39f0-5ad9-4ea9-a812-cb5d786694e5&_group=occurrence:severity&_includeAverageAge=true&applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 5\n pageCount: 1\n _type: issue-counts\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/_actions/export:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyExportIssues\n summary: Export issues\n description: |\n Retrieves a CSV or JSON file with the issues matching scoping and filtering rules.\n Defaults to a JSON file.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `applicationId` or `projectId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: fileName\n in: query\n required: false\n description: The name of the exported file.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A list of issues exports.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - severity\n - location\n - toolType\n - link\n description: |\n A single issue export.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The type associated with this issue.\n severity:\n type: string\n description: |\n The severity associated with this issue.\n location:\n type: string\n description: |\n The location associated with this issue.\n fileName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The file name, derived from the location.\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tool type associated with this issue.\n enum:\n - SAST\n - SCA\n triageStatus:\n type: string\n description: |\n The triage status associated with this issue.\n fixByDate:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n The fix-by date associated with this issue.\n cwe:\n type: string\n description: |\n The CWE associated with this issue.\n cve:\n type: string\n description: |\n The CVE associated with this issue.\n bdsa:\n type: string\n description: |\n The CVE associated with this issue.\n application:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the application associated with this issue.\n project:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the project associated with this issue.\n branch:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the branch associated with this issue.\n link:\n type: string\n description: |\n The link that can be followed for further information about this issue.\n example:\n - type: Omitted Break Statement in Switch\n severity: medium\n location: src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js\n fileName: ace.js\n toolType: SAST\n triageStatus: Dismissed (Other)\n fixByDate: '2023-11-16T18:30:20.777Z'\n cwe: CWE-484\n cve: CVE-2019-20444\n bdsa: BDSA-2019-4231\n application: AA Stable\n project: WebGoat\n branch: main\n link: >-\n https://im.dev.polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/4e935bf8-b3b7-4604-9b06-d821f4d80240/portfolio-items/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/projects/0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6/issues/E03328CF2C147CC9FB00FA455AC5D37F?branchId=9d0d9e51-a884-49cc-9cf1-3dc6b4bdd4d8&filter=issueProperties:family-id=E03328CF2C147CC9FB00FA455AC5D37F\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+csv:\n schema:\n type: string\n example: >-\n Type,Severity,Location,File Name,Tool Type,Triage Status,Fix-By,CWE,CVE,BDSA,Application,Project,Branch,Link\n\n Omitted Break Statement in Switch,medium,src/main/resources/webgoat/static/js/libs/ace.js,ace.js,SAST,Dismissed (Other),,CWE-484,,,AA\n Stable,WebGoat,main,https://polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/4e935bf8-b3b7-4604-9b06-d821f4d80240/portfolio-items/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/projects/0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6/issues/B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2?branchId=9d0d9e51-a884-49cc-9cf1-3dc6b4bdd4d8&filter=issueProperties:family-id=B5EFEB94C10E39E5B6378880985126F2\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/issues/_actions/count-over-time:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetIssueCountOverTime\n summary: Count issues over time.\n description: |\n Retrieves counts for both detected and absent issues over the specified period of time.\n\n Detected issues are those found in a particular test.\n Absent issues are those that were not found in a particular test, but were found in the immediately preceding test.\n\n If no time parameters are provided, it will calculate counts starting from the first test in the provided scope.\n tags:\n - Issue query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _lastXDays\n in: query\n description: |\n Number of days until today for which to count issues.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _fromDate and _toDate.\n schema:\n type: integer\n minimum: 1\n example: 30\n - name: _fromDate\n in: query\n description: |\n Start date from which to count issues. If not supplied, the date of the first test in this scope will be used.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _lastXDays.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n - name: _toDate\n in: query\n description: |\n End date until which to count issues. If not supplied, the current date will be used.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _lastXDays.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n Issue aggregation results for detection state over a period of time\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.issues-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - issuesOverTime\n description: |\n Aggregated issue counts based on the detection state over a period of time.\n properties:\n issuesOverTime:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of aggregated counts based on the detection state.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A single entry of the aggregate issue counts.\n properties:\n detectedCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of issues that were detected on a given date.\n example: 15\n absentCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of issues that were absent on a given date, after having been found in the previous test date.\n example: 0\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date in which the issues were found, typically very close to the associated test date.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of the tool that has generated the detection data on the specified date.\n example: sca\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that has detected the issue.\n example: coverity\n example:\n - detectedCount: 15\n absentCount: 0\n date: '2023-06-21T20:41:43.012Z'\n toolType: sast\n toolId: coverity\n example:\n issuesOverTime:\n - detectedCount: 8\n absentCount: 0\n date: '2023-11-10T14:35:46.222Z'\n toolType: sast\n - detectedCount: 6\n absentCount: 5\n date: '2023-11-10T14:36:01.222Z'\n toolType: sca\n - detectedCount: 3\n absentCount: 5\n date: '2023-11-10T14:36:09.222Z'\n toolType: sast\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/issues/_actions/count-over-time?applicationId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481\n rel: self\n method: GET\n _type: issue-counts-over-time\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families:\n patch:\n operationId: updateIssueFamily\n summary: Update issue families\n description: |\n Inserts triage for the issue families matching the specified filter within a portfolio item or portfolio subitem.\n Only the provided keys will be considered here.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-bulk-triage-attributes-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n The attributes of a bulk triage on a list of issue families, keyed by the triage attribute key.\n properties:\n filter:\n type: string\n description: >-\n A simple filter for issue families by issues family ID or triage properties that may look like this: issueProperties:family-id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508',\n '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58') or triageProperties:status=='not-reviewed'\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual attribute of triage on an issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n description: The key of this triage attribute. There are different keys for internal and external users.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `is-published` accepts boolean values.\n * `to-reviewed` accepts boolean values.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - is-published\n - to-reviewed\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for external / customer users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `owner` accepts string values representing a UUID or null.\n * `fix-by` accepts string values representing ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamps or null.\n * `bts-key` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-link` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-status` accepts string values.\n * `bts-state` accepts string values.\n * `bts-type` accepts string values.\n * `jira-key` is the same as 'bts-key'.\n * `jira-export-link` is the same as 'bts-export-link'.\n * `jira-export-status` is the same as 'bts-export-status'.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - owner\n - fix-by\n - bts-key\n - bts-export-link\n - bts-export-status\n - bts-state\n - bts-type\n - jira-key (deprecated)\n - jira-export-link (deprecated)\n - jira-export-status (deprecated)\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Different keys have different potential values.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue family is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `declined` is for when an issue family has intentionally not been reviewed.\n * `reviewed` is for when an issue family has been reviewed.\n * `review-pending` is for when an issue family has not been reviewed yet (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - declined\n - reviewed\n - review-pending\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for external / customer users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue family is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `to-be-fixed` is for when an issue family has been reviewed but not fixed.\n * `not-dismissed` is for when an issue family has not been fixed or dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - to-be-fixed\n - not-dismissed (default)\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue family has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue family has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue family has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `component-excluded` is for when an issue family's related component version is ignored.\n * `intentional` is for when an issue family has been intentionally kept in the code.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue family has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue family has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue family has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - component-excluded\n - intentional\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n examples:\n assessor:\n summary: An example for an assessor\n value:\n filter: issueProperties:family-id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508', '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58')\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my assessor comment\n - key: status\n value: reviewed\n - key: to-reviewed\n value: true\n customer:\n summary: An example for a customer\n value:\n filter: issueProperties:family-id=in=('5c92259d-528f-4ed6-8fd4-c3c787c42508', '022e846d-ccb4-4d8e-9ae2-f4d6a83b4d58')\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my customer comment\n - key: status\n value: to-be-fixed\n - key: owner\n value: 7bcceca3-fa5a-46c9-867c-a1bd8e266107\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A list of issue families affected by a bulk triage transaction.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-bulk-triage-attributes-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n A bulk triage transaction. An array of affected issue family IDs as well as the count of total operations.\n required:\n - _items\n - count\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The issue family ID.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n count:\n type: integer\n description: The total count of triage operations.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilyByID\n summary: Get issue family\n description: |\n Gets an individual issue family by its identifier, within the scope specified by the query parameters.\n\n The issues matching this issue family will be provided via an \"issue-list\" link.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue family identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issue-families/_actions/list`, or under `familyId` in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeIssueType\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include issue type information of an issue family (by default, do not include issueType). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the issue\n type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeIssueProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include properties and weakness id of a sample issue on issue family response (by default, do not include issueProperties). Use this query parameter to include\n additional information about the issue properties.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeFirstDetectedOn\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the firstDetectedOn field on issue family response (by default, do not include firstDetectedOn). Use this query parameter to include additional information\n about the first detection of an issue family.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-3+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-2+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-1+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: |\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilies\n summary: Get issue families\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of issue families matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeIssueType\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include issue type information of an issue family (by default, do not include issueType). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the issue\n type.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeIssueProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include properties and weakness id of a sample issue on issue family response (by default, do not include issueProperties). Use this query parameter to include\n additional information about the issue properties.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n - name: _includeFirstDetectedOn\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the firstDetectedOn field on issue family response (by default, do not include firstDetectedOn). Use this query parameter to include additional information\n about the first detection of an issue family.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of issue families.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-paginated-list-3+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-paginated-list-2+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - key\n - context\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n A single issue family.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique family ID.\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family key.\n firstDetectedOn:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the first detection for an issue family in the current branch.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n weaknessId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Id of the weakness associated with this issue family. Only included if issue properties are included\n example: w-87\n issueType:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n context:\n type: object\n description: |\n Context of an issue family.\n properties:\n applicationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the application that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 75ab3f94-fa1c-4032-97a6-e542cb98d0c4\n projectId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the project that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88\n portfolioItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio item that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d\n portfolioSubItemId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the portfolio subitem that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 339cc284-590d-40e8-af60-8594a339aa6a\n branchId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The identifier of the branch that the issue family was detected in.\n example: 6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d\n otherBranchIds:\n type: array\n description: The identifiers of other branches where this issue family has also been detected.\n items:\n type: string\n example:\n - 09731bc6-65a5-4100-8d01-d393f574df26\n - 56717edb-86e5-45d5-8009-613750d137ce\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of tool that detected the issue family.\n example: sast\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that detected the issue family\n example: coverity\n toolVersion:\n type: string\n description: |\n Version of the tool that detected the issue family.\n example: 2021.9.3\n testId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the test that detected the issue family.\n example: 82c2654c-e0f6-438b-b32d-f44684e0e9e1\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date of the last test that detected the issue family for the given scope.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n tenantId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tenant's id.\n example: 6747c5f5-d185-412d-a7ae-7e674f51d606\n issueProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of a sample issues from this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: |\n A property of the issue or issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The unique (within the issue) key of this issue property.\n value:\n description: The value of this issue property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string (which may be an artifact reference) value of this issue property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this issue property.\n - type: integer\n description: The numeric (integer) value of this issue property.\n - type: array\n description: >\n A collection of evidence objects that qualify a DAST issue, including how the issue was identified, and the effect of the attack used to identify the\n issue.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n label:\n type: string\n description: Label that identifies this evidence object's role in the issue's discovery.\n example: Original Request\n attack:\n type: object\n description: Describes the alterations that were made to identify a DAST issue.\n properties:\n scope:\n type: string\n description: |\n The part of the application the attack tested.\n Attacks with Application scope identify issues throughout the application.\n Attacks with Endpoint scope identify issues found in a specific request.\n Attacks with Data scope identify issues found in a request's query/body parameters, cookies, and/or header.\n enum:\n - Application\n - Endpoint\n - Data\n segment:\n type: string\n description: The part of the request that was modified to conduct the attack.\n enum:\n - Undefined\n - Body\n - ContentType\n - Cookie\n - Header\n - HTMLHiddenField\n - HTMLMetaTag\n - Location\n - QueryString\n - Path\n - StatusCode\n - Fragment\n payload:\n type: string\n description: The content or value that was used in the attack.\n target:\n type: string\n description: The specific parameter or header that was manipulated\n _links:\n type: array\n items:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n description: |\n A collection of links to an evidence object's artifacts (like screenshots, requests, or responses) in Polaris.\n required:\n - label\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: |\n The properties of latest triage for this issue family.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilyCount\n summary: Count issue families\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of issue family counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 5\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 5\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeAverageAge\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include the averageAgeInDays of the issue families on issue family count response (by default, do not include averageAge). Use this query parameter to include\n additional information about the issue family counts.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of issue family aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-aggregation-result-paginated-list-3+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - group\n - count\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n childTaxaGroup:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup key. When present, this can be used to get aggregation results for the subgroup.\n valueId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup ID. When present, this can be used to filter results for the subgroup.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n averageAgeInDays:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of days (rounded up) since the first detection of the issue families in the current group.\n\n If the count is zero, then this field is given a null value.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-aggregation-result-paginated-list-2+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - group\n - count\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n childTaxaGroup:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup key. When present, this can be used to get aggregation results for the subgroup.\n valueId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup ID. When present, this can be used to filter results for the subgroup.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n averageAgeInDays:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of days (rounded up) since the first detection of the issue families in the current group.\n\n If the count is zero, then this field is given a null value.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-management-aggregation-result-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - group\n - count\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n childTaxaGroup:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup key. When present, this can be used to get aggregation results for the subgroup.\n valueId:\n type: string\n description: |\n The subgroup ID. When present, this can be used to filter results for the subgroup.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n averageAgeInDays:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of days (rounded up) since the first detection of the issue families in the current group.\n\n If the count is zero, then this field is given a null value.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/export:\n get:\n operationId: exportIssueFamilies\n summary: Export issue families\n description: |\n Retrieves a CSV or JSON file with the issue families matching scoping and filtering rules.\n Defaults to a JSON file.\n\n Note: Using the deprecated query parameter affects which accept headers are valid.\n\n `_filter` and `issueFamilyIds` are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: issueFamilyIds\n in: query\n description: The issue family identifiers. These ids can be found under `id` in `/issue-families/_actions/list`, or under `familyId` in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue family identifier.\n - name: format\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n description: |\n *Deprecated* - use appropriate accept headers instead. The export format. Currently only `json` and `csv` (case sensitive) are supported.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: fileName\n in: query\n required: false\n description: The name of the exported file.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A list of issue families exports.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-export-1+json:\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - issueType\n - severity\n - location\n - toolType\n - link\n description: |\n A single issue family export.\n properties:\n issueType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The issue type associated with this issue family.\n severity:\n type: string\n description: |\n The severity associated with this issue family.\n location:\n type: string\n description: |\n The location associated with this issue family.\n fileName:\n type: string\n description: |\n The file name, derived from the location.\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The tool type associated with this issue family.\n enum:\n - SAST\n - SCA\n triageStatus:\n type: string\n description: |\n The triage status associated with this issue family.\n cwe:\n type: string\n description: |\n The CWE associated with this issue family.\n cve:\n type: string\n description: |\n The CVE associated with this issue family.\n bdsa:\n type: string\n description: |\n The BDSA associated with this issue family.\n application:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the application associated with this issue family.\n project:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the project associated with this issue family.\n branch:\n type: string\n description: |\n The name of the branch associated with this issue family.\n link:\n type: string\n description: |\n The link that can be followed for further information about this issue family.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-export-4+csv:\n schema:\n type: string\n example: >-\n Issue Type,Severity,Location,File Name,Tool Type,Triage Status,Fix-By,CWE,CVE,BDSA,Application,Project,Branch,Link\n\n Log injection,informational,src/main/java/MyClass.java,MyClass.java,SAST,Not\n Triaged,2023-11-16T18:30:20.777Z,CWE-117,CVE-2019-20444,BDSA-2019-4231,myApp,myProject,main,https://polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/portfolio-items/001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d/projects/855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88/issues/3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12?branchId=6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d&filter=issueProperties:family-id=3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-export-3+csv:\n schema:\n type: string\n example: >-\n Issue Type,Severity,Location,File Name,Tool Type,Triage Status,CWE,CVE,BDSA,Application,Project,Branch,Link\n\n Log injection,informational,src/main/java/MyClass.java,MyClass.java,SAST,Not\n Triaged,CWE-117,CVE-2019-20444,BDSA-2019-4231,myApp,myProject,main,https://polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/portfolio-items/001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d/projects/855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88/issues/3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12?branchId=6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d&filter=issueProperties:family-id=3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-export-2+csv:\n schema:\n type: string\n example: >-\n Issue Type,Severity,Location,File Name,Tool Type,Triage Status,CWE,Application,Project,Branch,Link\n\n Log injection,informational,src/main/java/MyClass.java,MyClass.java,SAST,Not\n Triaged,CWE-117,myApp,myProject,main,https://polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/portfolio-items/001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d/projects/855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88/issues/3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12?branchId=6c2461ea-84de-4cc8-a050-31c1eec8a14d&filter=issueProperties:family-id=3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-export-1+csv:\n schema:\n type: string\n example: >-\n Issue Type,Severity,Location,File Name,Tool Type,Triage Status,CWE,Application,Project,Link\n\n Log injection,informational,src/main/java/MyClass.java,MyClass.java,SAST,Not\n Triaged,CWE-117,myApp,myProject,https://polaris.blackduck.com/portfolio/portfolios/402f6a67-4714-4ae6-a4e8-cc961ee2ab2c/portfolio-items/001695a8-c4eb-48ee-a88e-8d628e7d0d4d/projects/855e3eb5-6abf-4d23-a906-13411f35da88/issues/3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12?filter=issueProperties:family-id=3f521a5e339d72410908eab2af000e12\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/{id}/triage:\n post:\n operationId: triageIssueFamily\n summary: Triage issue family\n description: |\n Inserts triage for an issue family within an application or project.\n Only the provided keys will be considered here.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue family identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issue-families/_actions/list`, or under `familyId` in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-attributes-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual attributes of triage on an issue family, keyed by the triage attribute key.\n properties:\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual attribute of triage on an issue family.\n properties:\n key:\n description: The key of this triage attribute. There are different keys for internal and external users.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `is-published` accepts boolean values.\n * `to-reviewed` accepts boolean values.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - is-published\n - to-reviewed\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for external / customer users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `status` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `dismissal-reason` accepts some pre-defined enum values.\n * `is-dismissed` accepts boolean values.\n * `owner` accepts string values representing a UUID or null.\n * `fix-by` accepts string values representing ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamps or null.\n * `bts-key` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-link` accepts string values.\n * `bts-export-status` accepts string values.\n * `bts-state` accepts string values.\n * `bts-type` accepts string values.\n * `jira-key` is the same as 'bts-key'.\n * `jira-export-link` is the same as 'bts-export-link'.\n * `jira-export-status` is the same as 'bts-export-status'.\n enum:\n - comment\n - status\n - dismissal-reason\n - is-dismissed\n - owner\n - fix-by\n - bts-key\n - bts-export-link\n - bts-export-status\n - bts-state\n - bts-type\n - jira-key (deprecated)\n - jira-export-link (deprecated)\n - jira-export-status (deprecated)\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Different keys have different potential values.\n anyOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue family is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `declined` is for when an issue family has intentionally not been reviewed.\n * `reviewed` is for when an issue family has been reviewed.\n * `review-pending` is for when an issue family has not been reviewed yet (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - declined\n - reviewed\n - review-pending\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage states for external / customer users.\n * `dismissed` is for when an issue family is considered non-impactful or invalid.\n * `to-be-fixed` is for when an issue family has been reviewed but not fixed.\n * `not-dismissed` is for when an issue family has not been fixed or dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - dismissed\n - to-be-fixed\n - not-dismissed (default)\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue family has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue family has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue family has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid dismissal reasons for internal / Black Duck users.\n * `component-excluded` is for when an issue family's related component version is ignored.\n * `intentional` is for when an issue family has been intentionally kept in the code.\n * `false-positive` is for when an issue family has been determined to be a false positive.\n * `other` is for when an issue family has been dismissed for another reason.\n * `unset` is for when an issue family has not been dismissed (default).\n enum:\n - component-excluded\n - intentional\n - false-positive\n - other\n - unset\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n examples:\n assessor:\n summary: An example for an assessor\n value:\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my assessor comment\n - key: status\n value: reviewed\n - key: to-reviewed\n value: true\n customer:\n summary: An example for a customer\n value:\n triageProperties:\n - key: comment\n value: this is my customer comment\n - key: status\n value: to-be-fixed\n - key: owner\n value: 7bcceca3-fa5a-46c9-867c-a1bd8e266107\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A collection of triage attributes as applied to an issue family.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-attributes-3+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-attributes-2+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-attributes-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/{id}/triage-history:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilyTriageHistory\n summary: Get issue family triage history\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of triage history for this issue family within an application or project. By default the most recent items appear first.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue family identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issue-families/_actions/list`, or under `familyId` in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: applicationId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the application specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n deprecated: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n *Deprecated* Please use `portfolioSubItemId` instead.\n\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of triage transactions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-transaction-paginated-list-3+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n latestAuthor:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-transaction-paginated-list-2+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n latestAuthor:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-triage-transaction-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n latestAuthor:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/{id}/detection-history:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilyDetectionHistory\n summary: Get issue family detection history\n description: |\n Gets an individual issue family's detection history by its family identifier, within the scope specified by the query parameters.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The issue family identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/issue-families/_actions/list`, or under `familyId` in `/issues/{id}` or `/issues/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: testId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n The test ID or the keyword `latest` to _further_ narrow down the query scope.\n The given test ID will be used in conjunction with `portfolioItemId` or `portfolioSubItemId`.\n If the keyword `latest` is used, the result will only include issues that were detected in the last test.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n An issue family's detection history.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-detection-history-1+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - history\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n An issue family's detection history.\n properties:\n history:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of detection history events.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A single event of issue family detection history.\n required:\n - eventType\n - date\n properties:\n eventType:\n type: string\n description: |\n The event type of the current event.\n enum:\n - FIRST_DETECTED\n - ABSENT\n - DETECTED_AGAIN\n example: FIRST_DETECTED\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date in which the current event took place.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n example:\n - eventType: DETECTED_AGAIN\n date: '2023-06-21T20:41:43.012Z'\n - eventType: ABSENT\n date: '2023-03-21T20:41:43.012Z'\n - eventType: FIRST_DETECTED\n date: '2023-01-21T20:41:43.012Z'\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/count-over-time:\n get:\n operationId: getIssueFamilyCountOverTime\n summary: Count issue families over time.\n description: |\n Retrieves counts for both detected and absent issues over the specified period of time.\n\n Detected issues are those found in a particular test.\n Absent issues are those that were not found in a particular test, but were found in the immediately preceding test.\n\n If no time parameters are provided, it will calculate counts starting from the first test in the provided scope.\n tags:\n - Issue Family query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio item specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `projectId` and `portfolioSubItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _lastXDays\n in: query\n description: |\n Number of days until today for which to count issues.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _fromDate and _toDate.\n schema:\n type: integer\n minimum: 1\n example: 30\n - name: _fromDate\n in: query\n description: |\n Start date from which to count issues. If not supplied, the date of the first test in this scope will be used.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _lastXDays.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n - name: _toDate\n in: query\n description: |\n End date until which to count issues. If not supplied, the current date will be used.\n\n Mutually exclusive with _lastXDays.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n Issue family aggregation results for detection state over a period of time\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.issue-family-over-time-1+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - issueFamiliesOverTime\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n Aggregated issue family counts based on the detection state over a period of time.\n properties:\n issueFamiliesOverTime:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of aggregated counts based on the detection state.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - detectedCount\n - absentCount\n - date\n - toolType\n - toolId\n description: |\n A single entry of the aggregate issue family counts.\n properties:\n detectedCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of issue families that were detected on a given date.\n example: 15\n absentCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of issue families that were absent on a given date, after having been found in the previous test date.\n example: 0\n date:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n description: |\n Date in which the issue families were found, typically very close to the associated test date.\n example: '2021-09-25T16:20:24.345Z'\n toolType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Type of the tool that has generated the detection data on the specified date.\n example: sca\n enum:\n - sast\n - sca\n toolId:\n type: string\n description: |\n Identifier of the tool that has detected the issue family.\n example: coverity\n example:\n - detectedCount: 15\n absentCount: 0\n date: '2023-06-21T20:41:43.012Z'\n toolType: sast\n toolId: coverity\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/findings/taxa/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetTaxon\n summary: Get taxon\n description: Get taxon description.\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single taxon.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.taxa-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - subtaxa\n - isRoot\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the taxon.\n example: tn-101\n subtaxa:\n type: array\n description: Subtaxa (descendant taxa) IDs of the taxon.\n example:\n - tn-1\n - tn-10\n items:\n type: string\n isRoot:\n description: Flag whether the taxon is root.\n type: boolean\n example: true\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: The localized metadata about this object.\n required:\n - issueTypeNames\n - otherDetails\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the object.\n example: Insecure Encryption\n issueTypeNames:\n type: array\n description: Covered issue type names of the object.\n example:\n - Cipher Block Chaining With Insecure Padding\n - Cryptographic Operations Run Before Supporting Units are Ready\n items:\n type: string\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: Other Details of the object.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of other details.\n example: FullDescription\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: Insecure Encryption issues are the result of using insecure algorithms, configuration and coding errors weakening the effect of encryption/decryption.\n examples:\n rootTaxon:\n summary: Root taxon\n value:\n id: ty-1\n _type: taxa\n subtaxa:\n - tn-1\n - tn-10\n isRoot: true\n _localized:\n name: OWASP Web Top Ten 2017\n issueTypeNames:\n - Abuse of WordPress searchreplacedb2.php\n - Abuse of WordPress XML-RPC API\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: A list of the 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n nonRootTaxon:\n summary: Non-root taxon\n value:\n id: tn-101\n _type: taxa\n subtaxa: []\n isRoot: false\n _localized:\n name: Insecure Encryption\n issueTypeNames:\n - Cipher Block Chaining With Insecure Padding\n - Cryptographic Operations Run Before Supporting Units are Ready\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: Insecure Encryption issues are the result of using insecure algorithms, configuration and coding errors weakening the effect of encryption/decryption.\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-101\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-6\n rel: taxonomy\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-84\n rel: parent-taxon\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-101/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-101/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/taxa/{id}/subtaxa:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetTaxonSubtaxa\n summary: Get taxon subtaxa\n description: Get taxon's subtaxa (transitive).\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of taxa.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.taxa-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - subtaxa\n - isRoot\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique identifier of the taxon.\n example: tn-101\n subtaxa:\n type: array\n description: Subtaxa (descendant taxa) IDs of the taxon.\n example:\n - tn-1\n - tn-10\n items:\n type: string\n isRoot:\n description: Flag whether the taxon is root.\n type: boolean\n example: true\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: The localized metadata about this object.\n required:\n - issueTypeNames\n - otherDetails\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the object.\n example: Insecure Encryption\n issueTypeNames:\n type: array\n description: Covered issue type names of the object.\n example:\n - Cipher Block Chaining With Insecure Padding\n - Cryptographic Operations Run Before Supporting Units are Ready\n items:\n type: string\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: Other Details of the object.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of other details.\n example: FullDescription\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: Insecure Encryption issues are the result of using insecure algorithms, configuration and coding errors weakening the effect of encryption/decryption.\n example:\n _items:\n - id: tn-10\n _type: taxa\n subtaxa: []\n isRoot: false\n _localized:\n name: 'A10: Insufficient Logging & Monitoring'\n issueTypeNames:\n - Insufficient Logging\n - Insufficient Logging and Monitoring\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: Insufficient logging and monitoring, coupled with missing or ineffective integration with incident response.\n _cursor: AAAAAg==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-10\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1\n rel: taxonomy\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-10/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-10/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n - id: tn-2\n _type: taxa\n subtaxa: []\n isRoot: false\n _localized:\n name: 'A2: Broken Authentication'\n issueTypeNames:\n - Abuse of WordPress searchreplacedb2.php\n - Anonymous Access Controls\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: Application functions related to authentication and session management are often implemented incorrectly.\n _cursor: AAAAAw==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-2\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1\n rel: taxonomy\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-2/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/tn-2/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa?_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=2\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa?_first=2\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa?_last=2\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa?_cursor=AAAAAw==&_first=2\n rel: next\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/subtaxa?_cursor=AAAAAg==&_last=2\n rel: prev\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/\n rel: taxon\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 10\n pageCount: 5\n _type: taxa\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/taxa/{id}/issue-types:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetTaxonIssueTypes\n summary: Get taxon issue types\n description: Get taxon issue types (transitive).\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of IssueTypes.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.taxa-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n required:\n - _items\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: The localized metadata about this object.\n required:\n - otherDetails\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the object.\n example: Log Injection\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: Other Details of the object.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of other details.\n example: FullDescription\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: Insecure Encryption issues are the result of using insecure algorithms, configuration and coding errors weakening the effect of encryption/decryption.\n example:\n _items:\n - id: w-10\n _type: issue-types\n _localized:\n name: Log Injection\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: Log injection or log forging occurs when data enters an application from an untrusted source and is written to the application.\n _cursor: AAAAAg==\n - id: w-100\n _type: issue-types\n _localized:\n name: Lack of Certificate Pinning (Android)\n otherDetails:\n - key: description\n value: The application does not use certificate pinning to improve the security of its network connections.\n _cursor: AAAAAw==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types?_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=2\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types?_first=2\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types?_last=2\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types?_cursor=AAAAAw==&_first=2\n rel: next\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/issue-types?_cursor=AAAAAg==&_last=2\n rel: prev\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-1/\n rel: taxon\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 630\n pageCount: 315\n _type: issue-types\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/taxonomies:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetTaxonomies\n summary: Get taxonomies\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of taxonomies matching filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeDescendants\n in: query\n description: A taxonomy tree can be multilevel. The above flag is to indicate that the result should have all descendants instead of just the child taxa.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeOnlyStandards\n in: query\n description: A Boolean filter to include only the standards filter (such as OWASP, etc.).\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of taxonomies.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.taxonomies-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n required:\n - _items\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - subtaxa\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: Unique ID of the taxonomy.\n example: ty-6\n subtaxa:\n type: array\n description: Subtaxa (descendant taxa) IDs of the taxonomy.\n example:\n - tn-121\n - tn-81\n items:\n type: string\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: The localized metadata about this object.\n required:\n - otherDetails\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: Name of the object.\n example: Log Injection\n otherDetails:\n type: array\n description: Other Details of the object.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of other details.\n example: FullDescription\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: Insecure Encryption issues are the result of using insecure algorithms, configuration and coding errors weakening the effect of encryption/decryption.\n example:\n _items:\n - id: ty-6\n _type: taxonomies\n subtaxa:\n - tn-121\n - tn-81\n _localized:\n name: 'SQL Injection: Hibernate'\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: Unified Taxonomy for all Black Duck products. This mapping file only contains the coverity mappings, though.\n _cursor: AAAABw==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-6\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-6/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-6/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n - id: ty-7\n _type: taxonomies\n subtaxa:\n - tn-133\n - tn-134\n _localized:\n name: 2022 CWE Top 25\n otherDetails:\n - key: FullDescription\n value: >-\n By following the Top 25, developers will be able to significantly reduce the number of weaknesses that occur in their software. If a software developer claims to be\n following the Top 25, then customers can use the weaknesses in this view in order to formulate independent evidence of that claim.\n _cursor: AAAACA==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-7\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-7/subtaxa\n rel: subtaxa\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxa/ty-7/issue-types\n rel: issue-types\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxonomies?_cursor=AAAABg==&_first=2\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxonomies?_first=2\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxonomies?last=2\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxonomies?_cursor=AAAACA==&_first=2\n rel: next\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/taxonomies?_cursor=AAAABw==&_last=2\n rel: prev\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 9\n pageCount: 5\n _type: taxonomies\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/taxa/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getTaxon\n summary: Get taxon\n description: Get taxon description.\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A single taxon.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.taxon-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - taxonomy\n - attributes\n - localizedMetadata\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n taxonomy:\n type: string\n attributes:\n type: object\n properties:\n isRoot:\n type: boolean\n parentTaxon:\n type: string\n childTaxa:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n issueTypeNames:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n localizedMetadata:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized metadata about this taxon.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of the localized metadata.\n example: name\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: |\n SQL Injection: Hibernate\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/taxa/{id}/descendant-taxa:\n get:\n operationId: getTaxonDescendant\n summary: Get taxon descendant taxa\n description: Get taxon's descendant taxa (transitive).\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of taxa.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.taxon-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - taxonomy\n - attributes\n - localizedMetadata\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n taxonomy:\n type: string\n attributes:\n type: object\n properties:\n isRoot:\n type: boolean\n parentTaxon:\n type: string\n childTaxa:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n issueTypeNames:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n localizedMetadata:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized metadata about this taxon.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of the localized metadata.\n example: name\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: |\n SQL Injection: Hibernate\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/taxa/{id}/covered-issue-types:\n get:\n operationId: getTaxonCoveredIssueTypes\n summary: Get taxon covered issue types\n description: Get taxon covered issue types (transitive).\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The taxon identifier.\n schema:\n type: string\n example: tn-1\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of IssueTypes.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.taxon-issue-types-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual issue type belonging to an issue.\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - _localized\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal identifier of this issue type.\n example: 8da0dc75-ebc5-460b-b4e1-6ff271d52d6e\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The internal (non-localized) name of this issue type.\n example: resource_leak|java\n _localized:\n type: object\n description: |\n Localized values that are suitable for display to a user, according to that user's language settings.\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n description: |\n The localized name of the issue type.\n example: test short description Java\n otherDetail:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized details.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail key.\n example: description\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The detail value.\n example: test long description Java\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/taxonomies/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getTaxonomies\n summary: Get taxonomies\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of taxonomies matching filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Taxon query\n parameters:\n - name: Accept-Language\n in: header\n description: >\n The \"Accept-Language\" header field can be used by user agents to indicate the set of natural languages preferred in the response. This value must be compliant with [RFC\n 7231](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7231.html#header.accept-language).\n\n\n A slight (but common) deviation from the HTTP specification is that if none of the requested languages can be satisfied, the application will default to English rather than rejecting the\n request with an HTTP 406 response code.\n\n\n If no language is provided, the application will default to English.\n\n\n English is currently the only supported language.\n schema:\n type: string\n required: false\n example: en-CA,en;q=0.9\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeDescendants\n in: query\n description: A taxonomy tree can be multilevel. The above flag is to indicate that the result should have all descendants instead of just the child taxa.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeOnlyStandards\n in: query\n description: A Boolean filter to include only the standards filter (such as OWASP, etc.).\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A paginated list of taxonomies.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.taxonomy-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - attributes\n - localizedMetadata\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n attributes:\n type: object\n properties:\n taxa:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n localizedMetadata:\n type: array\n description: |\n The localized metadata about this taxonomy.\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n Key of the localized metadata.\n example: name\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n Localized (as per the user's language settings) value of the key suitable for display to a user.\n example: |\n SQL Injection: Hibernate\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/findings/component-versions/_actions/triage:\n patch:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyUpdateComponentVersion\n summary: Update component versions\n description: |\n Inserts triage for the component versions matching the specified filter within a project id.\n Only the provided keys will be considered here.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n example:\n filter: component-version:id=in=('a23c6968-4803-453e-ab26-2ef9545cb5a6','7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93')\n triageProperties:\n - key: ignored\n value: true\n - key: comment\n value: Ignore this one.\n type: object\n description: |\n The attributes of a bulk triage transaction on a list of component versions, keyed by the triage attribute key.\n properties:\n filter:\n type: string\n description: >\n A filter that selects component versions by component version ID or triage properties. For example:\n component-version:id=in=('a23c6968-4803-453e-ab26-2ef9545cb5a6','7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93') or triageProperties:ignored==true.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual attribute of triage on a component version.\n properties:\n key:\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for customer users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `ignored` accepts boolean values.\n enum:\n - comment\n - ignored\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Different keys have different potential values.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A count of triaged component versions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n A count of triage component versions.\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - count\n properties:\n count:\n type: integer\n description: The total count of triage operations.\n _type:\n type: string\n example: triaged-entities-count\n example:\n count: 2\n _type: triaged-entities-count\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-versions/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentVersionByID\n summary: Get component version by ID\n description: Gets an individual component version by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeComponent\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the component information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicense\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single component version.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - version\n - matchTypes\n - matchScore\n - usages\n description: A single component version.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component version ID.\n example: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version:\n type: string\n example: '1.5'\n releaseDate:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2022-12-15T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk:\n type: string\n enum:\n - LOW\n - MEDIUM\n - HIGH\n - CRITICAL\n matchTypes:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n enum:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n - FILE_EXACT\n - FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH\n - FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED\n - FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n matchScore:\n type: number\n format: double\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n description: A percentage value indicating the level of confidence that the component used in your project matches the component and version found in the Black Duck KB.\n example: 72.5\n usages:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n enum:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n type: object\n description: A single component, typically open source.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component ID.\n example: a0f2981a-8273-44cb-82c5-276992f30ce9\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache Ant\n description:\n type: string\n example: Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.\n homePage:\n type: string\n example: https://apache.ant.org\n openHubPage:\n type: string\n example: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: object\n description: |\n A JSON object including a single license or a logical combination of single licenses, originally defined for a component version by its author\n or vendor.\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1findings~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n licenseDefinition:\n type: object\n description: |\n A JSON object including a subset of the 'originalLicenseDefinition', selected by the user to assign to a component version. By default, it is\n the same as original license definition.\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1findings~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: The properties of the latest triage operation for this component version.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: A string or Boolean property of the triage operation.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this property.\n value:\n description: The value of this property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this property.\n examples:\n componentVersion1:\n value:\n id: 6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6\n version: 1.4.11\n releaseDate: '2023-08-09T19:27:27Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_EXACT\n matchScore: 100\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n licenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n rel: license\n method: GET\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n - id: fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n rel: license\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_includeLicense=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_filter=component-version:id=='6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6'\n rel: component-origins\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/license-definition?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: license-definition\n method: POST\n _type: component-versions\n componentVersion2:\n value:\n id: 6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6\n version: 1.4.11\n releaseDate: '2023-08-09T19:27:27Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_EXACT\n matchScore: 100\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n licenseDefinition:\n license:\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_includeLicense=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_filter=component-version:id=='6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6'\n rel: component-origins\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/license-definition?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: license-definition\n method: POST\n _type: component-versions\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-versions:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentVersions\n summary: Get component versions\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component versions matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeComponent\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the component information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicense\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component versions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - $ref: '#/paths/~1api~1findings~1component-versions~1{id}/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json/schema'\n examples:\n componentVersions:\n value:\n _items:\n - _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n id: 6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6\n version: 1.4.11\n releaseDate: '2023-08-09T19:27:27Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_EXACT\n matchScore: 100\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n licenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n rel: license\n method: GET\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n - id: fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n rel: license\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_includeLicense=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_filter=component-version:id=='6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6'\n rel: component-origins\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/license-definition?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: license-definition\n method: POST\n _type: component-versions\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n _type: component-versions\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=100\n rel: next\n method: GET\n componentVersions2:\n value:\n _items:\n - _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n id: 6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6\n version: 1.4.11\n releaseDate: '2023-08-09T19:27:27Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_EXACT\n matchScore: 100\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n licenseDefinition:\n license:\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_includeLicense=true\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_filter=component-version:id=='6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6'\n rel: component-origins\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: triage-history\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/license-definition?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: license-definition\n method: POST\n _type: component-versions\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n _type: component-versions\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=100\n rel: next\n method: GET\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-versions/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentVersionsCount\n summary: Count component versions\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component version counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component version aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - group\n - count\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n example:\n _items:\n - count: 325\n group:\n - key: component-version:security-risk\n value: LOW\n _cursor: AAAAAA==\n _type: component-version-counts\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n _type: component-version-counts\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-versions/{id}/license-definition:\n post:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyAssignLicensesToComponentVersion\n summary: Assign licenses to a component version.\n description: Assign `SelectedLicenseDefinition` to a component version specified by its ID.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n description: |\n A JSON object representation of the `SelectedLicenseDefinition` to assign to a component version. To obtain the original license definition, call\n `/component-versions/{id}` or `/component-versions`.\n The selected license MUST be present in the original in the original license definition.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: A license definition selected by the user to assign to a component version.\n oneOf:\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - license\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - type\n - licenses\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CONJUNCTIVE\n - DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n type: array\n items:\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1findings~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/requestBody/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json/schema/oneOf/1\n examples:\n singleLicense:\n value:\n license:\n id: 25aded19-3a13-4cd0-91d5-05c49b8a89fc\n compositeLicense:\n value:\n type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 6e65be91-1f60-4ce6-8f73-13dc5fa547fd\n - id: 25aded19-3a13-4cd0-91d5-05c49b8a89fc\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A JSON object including a subset of the 'originalLicenseDefinition', selected by the user to assign to a component version. By default, it is the same\n as original license definition.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: A license definition currently assigned to the component version.\n properties:\n licenseDefinition:\n type: object\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: An individual license definition associated to a component version.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CONJUNCTIVE\n - DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n type: array\n items:\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n description: An individual license.\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/issues/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1findings~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n example:\n licenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/d676a5c4-0bd9-4453-8c22-2ece2c2a00d7\n rel: license\n method: GET\n - _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/fecf595c-3184-47f4-92f9-1a32ab46a8f1\n rel: license\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n _type: license-definitions\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-versions/{id}/triage-history:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentVersionTriageHistory\n summary: Get component version triage history\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of triage history for this component version within a project id. By default the most recent items appear first.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of triage transactions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-versions-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n properties:\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n example:\n _items:\n - latestTimestamp: '2024-09-30T13:14:22.748Z'\n triageProperties:\n - key: ignored\n value: true\n timestamp: '2024-09-30T13:14:22.748Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n - key: comment\n value: Ignore this one.\n timestamp: '2024-09-30T13:14:22.748Z'\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: author\n method: GET\n _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n _type: triage-history-events\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/auth/resources/applications/3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481/users/278fac2e-f9fc-4b89-aed1-935b18c640c1\n rel: latest-author\n method: GET\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=1\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: >-\n https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6/triage-history?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=1\n rel: next\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 40\n pageCount: 40\n _type: triage-history-events\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions:\n patch:\n operationId: updateComponentVersion\n summary: Update component versions\n description: |\n Inserts triage for the component versions matching the specified filter within a portfolio subitem.\n Only the provided keys will be considered here.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-bulk-triage-attributes-1+json:\n schema:\n example:\n filter: component-version:id=in=('a23c6968-4803-453e-ab26-2ef9545cb5a6','7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93')\n triageProperties:\n - key: ignored\n value: true\n - key: comment\n value: Ignore this one.\n type: object\n description: |\n The attributes of a bulk triage transaction on a list of component versions, keyed by the triage attribute key.\n properties:\n filter:\n type: string\n description: >\n A filter that selects component versions by component version ID or triage properties. For example:\n component-version:id=in=('a23c6968-4803-453e-ab26-2ef9545cb5a6','7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93') or triageProperties:ignored==true.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual attribute of triage on a component version.\n properties:\n key:\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: |\n Valid triage keys for customer users.\n * `comment` accepts any string value and null.\n * `ignored` accepts boolean values.\n enum:\n - comment\n - ignored\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Different keys have different potential values.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A list of component version IDs affected by a bulk triage transaction.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-id-list-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: |\n An array of affected component version IDs as well as the count of total triage operations.\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The component version ID.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n count:\n type: integer\n description: The total count of triage operations.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentVersionByID\n summary: Get component version by ID\n description: Gets an individual component version by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeComponent\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the component information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicense\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single component version.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: A single component version.\n required:\n - id\n - matchTypes\n - matchScore\n - usages\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component version ID.\n example: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version:\n type: string\n example: '1.5'\n releaseDate:\n type: string\n format: date-time\n example: '2022-12-15T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk:\n type: string\n enum:\n - LOW\n - MEDIUM\n - HIGH\n - CRITICAL\n matchTypes:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n enum:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n - FILE_EXACT\n - FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH\n - FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED\n - FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n matchScore:\n type: number\n format: double\n minimum: 0\n maximum: 100\n description: A percentage value indicating the level of confidence that the component used in your project matches the component and version found in the Black Duck KB.\n example: 72.5\n usages:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n enum:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n type: object\n description: A single component, typically open source.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component ID.\n example: a0f2981a-8273-44cb-82c5-276992f30ce9\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache Ant\n description:\n type: string\n example: Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.\n homePage:\n type: string\n example: https://apache.ant.org\n openHubPage:\n type: string\n example: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: object\n description: |\n A JSON object including a single license or a logical combination of single licenses, originally defined for a component version by its author\n or vendor.\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 08befd5c-9322-4462-8b9f-121df28437fb\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-concluded-license-definition-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n licenseDefinition:\n type: object\n description: |\n A JSON object including a subset of the 'originalLicenseDefinition', selected by the user to assign to a component version. By default, it is\n the same as original license definition.\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 08befd5c-9322-4462-8b9f-121df28437fb\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-concluded-license-definition-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: The properties of the latest triage operation for this component version.\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - key\n - value\n description: A string or Boolean property of the triage operation.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this property.\n value:\n description: The value of this property.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n description: The string value of this property.\n - type: boolean\n description: The Boolean value of this property.\n examples:\n componentVersion:\n value:\n id: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version: 1.10.13\n releaseDate: '2023-01-10T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n id: c18fa9f8-c53b-41aa-9251-0024cb34ed48\n name: Apache Ant\n description: >-\n Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The\n main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications.\n homePage: https://ant.apache.org\n openHubPage: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n licenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-origins/_actions/list?portfolioSubItemId=123&_filter=component-version:id=='48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9'\n method: GET\n rel: component-origins\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9/triage-history?portfolioSubItemId=123\n method: GET\n rel: triage-history\n componentVersion1:\n value:\n id: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version: 1.10.13\n releaseDate: '2023-01-10T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n id: c18fa9f8-c53b-41aa-9251-0024cb34ed48\n name: Apache Ant\n description: >-\n Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The\n main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications.\n homePage: https://ant.apache.org\n openHubPage: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n licenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-origins/_actions/list?portfolioSubItemId=123&_filter=component-version:id=='48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9'\n method: GET\n rel: component-origins\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9/triage-history?portfolioSubItemId=123\n method: GET\n rel: triage-history\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentVersions\n summary: Get component versions\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component versions matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeComponent\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the component information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicense\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license information.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeTriageProperties\n in: query\n description: >-\n Indicates whether to include triage properties in the response (by default, do not include triageProperties). Use this query parameter to include additional information about the triage\n status.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component versions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1component-versions~1{id}/get/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-1+json/schema\n examples:\n componentVersions:\n value:\n items_:\n - _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n id: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version: 1.10.13\n releaseDate: '2023-01-10T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n id: c18fa9f8-c53b-41aa-9251-0024cb34ed48\n name: Apache Ant\n description: >-\n Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.\n The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications.\n homePage: https://ant.apache.org\n openHubPage: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n licenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n license:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-origins/_actions/list?portfolioSubItemId=123&_filter=component-version:id=='48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9'\n method: GET\n rel: component-origins\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9/triage-history?portfolioSubItemId=123\n method: GET\n rel: triage-history\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n currentPage: 1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true&_cursor=AAAAAQ==\n method: GET\n rel: next\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true&_cursor=AAAAAQ==\n method: GET\n rel: last\n componentVersions1:\n value:\n items_:\n - _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n id: 48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9\n version: 1.10.13\n releaseDate: '2023-01-10T14:36:16.222Z'\n securityRisk: MEDIUM\n matchTypes:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n usages:\n - DYNAMICALLY_LINKED\n component:\n id: c18fa9f8-c53b-41aa-9251-0024cb34ed48\n name: Apache Ant\n description: >-\n Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.\n The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications.\n homePage: https://ant.apache.org\n openHubPage: https://www.openhub.net/p/3846\n licenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n originalLicenseDefinition:\n type: DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/64d2ea85-5e9e-4cbf-94fd-a37945008579\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n - id: 2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/licenses/2f97419f-f027-43a2-90aa-d27c7947cf5c\n method: GET\n rel: license\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-origins/_actions/list?portfolioSubItemId=123&_filter=component-version:id=='48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9'\n method: GET\n rel: component-origins\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions/48a9f1f6-cf9e-4adf-b0cf-22c8681738c9/triage-history?portfolioSubItemId=123\n method: GET\n rel: triage-history\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n currentPage: 1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true\n method: GET\n rel: self\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true&_cursor=AAAAAQ==\n method: GET\n rel: next\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/component-versions?portfolioSubItemId=123&_includeComponent=true&_includeLicense=true&_cursor=AAAAAQ==\n method: GET\n rel: last\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentVersionsCount\n summary: Count component versions\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component version counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component version aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-aggregation-result-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - group\n - value\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions/{id}/license-definition:\n post:\n operationId: assignLicensesToComponentVersion\n summary: Assign licenses to a component version.\n description: Assign `SelectedLicenseDefinition` to a component version specified by its ID.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n required: true\n description: |\n A JSON object representation of the `SelectedLicenseDefinition` to assign to a component version. To obtain the original license definition, call\n `/component-versions/{id}` or `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n The selected license MUST be present in the original in the original license definition.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-license-definition-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: A license definition selected by the user to assign to a component version.\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - license\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 25aded19-3a13-4cd0-91d5-05c49b8a89fc\n - type: object\n required:\n - type\n - licenses\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CONJUNCTIVE\n - DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n type: array\n items:\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 6e65be91-1f60-4ce6-8f73-13dc5fa547fd\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/requestBody/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-license-definition-1+json/schema/oneOf/1\n examples:\n singleLicense:\n value:\n license:\n id: 25aded19-3a13-4cd0-91d5-05c49b8a89fc\n compositeLicense:\n value:\n type: CONJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n - id: 6e65be91-1f60-4ce6-8f73-13dc5fa547fd\n - id: 25aded19-3a13-4cd0-91d5-05c49b8a89fc\n responses:\n '200':\n description: |\n A JSON object including a subset of the 'originalLicenseDefinition', selected by the user to assign to a component version. By default, it is the same\n as original license definition.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-concluded-license-definition-1+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n description: A license definition currently assigned to the component version.\n properties:\n licenseDefinition:\n type: object\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n license:\n type: object\n description: An individual license.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 08befd5c-9322-4462-8b9f-121df28437fb\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: An individual license definition associated to a component version.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n enum:\n - CONJUNCTIVE\n - DISJUNCTIVE\n licenses:\n type: array\n items:\n oneOf:\n - type: object\n description: An individual license.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 08befd5c-9322-4462-8b9f-121df28437fb\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/specialization-layer-service/issue-families/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - $ref: >-\n #/paths/~1api~1specialization-layer-service~1component-versions~1{id}~1license-definition/post/responses/200/content/application~1vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-concluded-license-definition-1+json/schema/properties/licenseDefinition/oneOf/1\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-versions/{id}/triage-history:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentVersionTriageHistory\n summary: Get component version triage history\n description: |\n Retrieves a paginated list of triage history for this component version within a portfolio subitem. By default the most recent items appear first.\n tags:\n - Component Version query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component version identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-versions/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of triage transactions.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-version-triage-transaction-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual triage history transaction. A list of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n required:\n - latestTimestamp\n - triageProperties\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n latestAuthor:\n nullable: true\n allOf:\n - type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n latestTimestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange formatted timestamp indicating the timestamp of this transaction.\n triageProperties:\n type: array\n description: An array of triage properties with a link to the author and the timestamp of the change.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n A triage property object with a list of links with a ref \"schema\".\n required:\n - key\n - value\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: The key of this triage attribute.\n value:\n description: The value of this triage attribute. Leave empty to clear an existing value.\n oneOf:\n - type: string\n nullable: true\n description: The string value of this triage attribute.\n - type: boolean\n nullable: true\n description: The Boolean value of this triage attribute.\n author:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual user as referred to by triage. A link named \"more-information\" may be present, which may be followed for more information about the user.\n required:\n - id\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The user ID of the individual user.\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n timestamp:\n type: string\n description: An ISO 8601 interchange-formatted timestamp indicating the time of this transaction.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/findings/component-origins/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentOriginByID\n summary: Get component origin by ID\n description: Gets an individual component origin by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Component Origin query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component origin identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-origins/`.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single component origin.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-origins-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - componentId\n - externalNamespace\n - externalId\n description: A single component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component origin ID.\n example: 1f31c89c-29ec-44a5-a34e-ed61ae7e26c4\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalNamespace:\n type: string\n example: maven\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n packageUrl:\n type: string\n example: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ant/ant-launcher/1.7.1\n matchesCount:\n type: integer\n example: 10\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n upgradeGuidance:\n type: object\n properties:\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.9\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n example:\n id: 88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716\n componentId: 6ca9663c-41d4-44c0-8d1e-b1b12745bdc5\n externalId: ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.4.11\n externalNamespace: maven\n packageUrl: pkg:maven/ch.qos.logback/logback-core@1.4.11\n upgradeGuidance:\n shortTerm:\n componentId: 6ca9663c-41d4-44c0-8d1e-b1b12745bdc5\n versionName: 1.5.6\n externalId: ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.5.6\n securityRisk:\n critical: 0\n high: 0\n medium: 0\n low: 0\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/b917495c-198c-4bbd-9d1c-c51930571470?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/005d80c7-aeaf-4e9f-bd0b-d0d7a0757f71?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin\n method: GET\n longTerm:\n componentId: 6ca9663c-41d4-44c0-8d1e-b1b12745bdc5\n versionName: 1.5.6\n externalId: ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.5.6\n securityRisk:\n critical: 0\n high: 0\n medium: 0\n low: 0\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/b917495c-198c-4bbd-9d1c-c51930571470?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/005d80c7-aeaf-4e9f-bd0b-d0d7a0757f71?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin\n method: GET\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance: []\n securityRisk:\n critical: 0\n high: 0\n medium: 0\n low: 0\n matchesCount: 1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716/matches?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin-matches\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/6c93a53b-e54c-4ff0-96de-fb7215c243d6?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n _type: component-origins\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-origins/{id}/matches:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetDependencyPathsBy\n summary: Get dependency paths\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of dependency paths by component origin ID..\n tags:\n - Component Origin query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component origin identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-origins/`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of dependency paths.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-origins-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - matchType\n description: A complete path to a location for a component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique dependency path ID.\n example: eb9d5f8c-1791-4bd3-83c3-ac40b6449db1\n matchType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Package manager scan match types: FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT, FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n Signature scan match types: FILE_EXACT, FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH, FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED, FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n enum:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n - FILE_EXACT\n - FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH\n - FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED\n - FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n externalIds:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: External ids will not be present for signature scan matches.\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n fileUri:\n type: string\n description: Signature scan matches are to a file path. This value will not be present for package manager scan matches.\n example: file:///WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.13.jar\n type_:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n example:\n _items:\n - id: 1ef657b1-345a-6a1b-98ba-7b604602f67d\n matchType: FILE_EXACT\n fileUri: file:///BOOT-INF/lib/logback-core-1.4.11.jar\n _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n _type: component-origin-matches\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716/matches?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716/matches?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=100\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716/matches?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=100\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/88d64812-ee01-4740-8faf-d593d28ad716?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n _type: component-origin-matches\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/component-origins:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetComponentOrigins\n summary: Get component origins\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component origins matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Component Origin query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component origins.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.component-origins-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - componentId\n - externalNamespace\n - externalId\n description: A single component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component origin ID.\n example: 1f31c89c-29ec-44a5-a34e-ed61ae7e26c4\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalNamespace:\n type: string\n example: maven\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n packageUrl:\n type: string\n example: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ant/ant-launcher/1.7.1\n matchesCount:\n type: integer\n example: 10\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n upgradeGuidance:\n type: object\n properties:\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.9\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n example:\n _items:\n - id: 00d40d33-516f-44af-8c99-29c4150501ee\n componentId: 390f91c0-2a1d-4209-9792-9fa4365a48e0\n externalId: org.hibernate.common:hibernate-commons-annotations:6.0.6.Final\n externalNamespace: maven\n packageUrl: pkg:maven/org.hibernate.common/hibernate-commons-annotations@6.0.6.Final\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance:\n - externalId: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:3.2.6\n shortTerm:\n componentId: ee1b331d-05e0-4bd1-b6ef-727c3b98e324\n versionName: 3.3.0\n componentName: Hibernate Commons Annotations\n externalId: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:3.3.0\n securityRisk:\n critical: 1\n high: 14\n medium: 46\n low: 1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/c1bb5a69-27cd-4b87-b2cc-19e2c86e1e53?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/54f7f8f2-c1ab-4d10-adca-d565d683d00c?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin\n method: GET\n longTerm:\n componentId: ee1b331d-05e0-4bd1-b6ef-727c3b98e324\n versionName: 3.3.0\n componentName: Hibernate Commons Annotations\n externalId: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:3.3.0\n securityRisk:\n critical: 1\n high: 14\n medium: 46\n low: 1\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/c1bb5a69-27cd-4b87-b2cc-19e2c86e1e53?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/54f7f8f2-c1ab-4d10-adca-d565d683d00c?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin\n method: GET\n securityRisk:\n critical: 0\n high: 0\n medium: 0\n low: 0\n matchesCount: 2\n _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/00d40d33-516f-44af-8c99-29c4150501ee?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins/00d40d33-516f-44af-8c99-29c4150501ee/matches?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-origin-matches\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions/50c34692-0d1e-4741-87b5-522213baef58?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6\n rel: component-version\n method: GET\n _type: component-origins\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=1\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-origins?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=1\n rel: next\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 385\n pageCount: 385\n _type: component-origins\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-origins/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentOriginByID\n summary: Get component origin by ID\n description: Gets an individual component origin by its identifier.\n tags:\n - Component Origin query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The component origin identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/component-origins/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single component origin.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-origin-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - componentId\n - componentVersionId\n - externalNamespace\n - externalId\n description: A single component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component origin ID.\n example: 1f31c89c-29ec-44a5-a34e-ed61ae7e26c4\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalNamespace:\n type: string\n example: maven\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n packageUrl:\n type: string\n example: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ant/ant-launcher/1.7.1\n matchesCount:\n type: integer\n example: 10\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n upgradeGuidance:\n type: object\n properties:\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.9\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/component-origins/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getComponentOrigins\n summary: Get component origins\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of component origins matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Component Origin query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of component origins.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.component-origin-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - componentId\n - componentVersionId\n - externalNamespace\n - externalId\n description: A single component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique component origin ID.\n example: 1f31c89c-29ec-44a5-a34e-ed61ae7e26c4\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n externalNamespace:\n type: string\n example: maven\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n packageUrl:\n type: string\n example: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ant/ant-launcher/1.7.1\n matchesCount:\n type: integer\n example: 10\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n upgradeGuidance:\n type: object\n properties:\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n transitiveUpgradeGuidance:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties:\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.9\n shortTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n longTerm:\n type: object\n properties:\n componentId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentName:\n type: string\n example: Ant Launcher\n componentVersionId:\n type: string\n example: 7460c937-f013-4c3a-bdf3-ace04cfd0304\n componentOriginId:\n type: string\n example: 4cda5524-e20f-45b2-bb65-e362cb94a094\n externalId:\n type: string\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.8.0\n versionName:\n type: string\n example: 1.8.0\n securityRisk:\n type: object\n properties:\n critical:\n type: integer\n example: 1\n high:\n type: integer\n example: 2\n medium:\n type: integer\n example: 3\n low:\n type: integer\n example: 4\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/dependency-paths/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getDependencyPaths\n summary: Get dependency paths\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of dependency paths matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - Dependency Path query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n required: true\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format. This filter is required to run this query. You must follow the format in the example below.\n\n Example:\n ```\n \"_filter\": \"component-origin:id==e090f336-4572-4d8e-b3a6-5bd4f1eb4954\"\n ```\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of dependency paths.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.dependency-path-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - matchType\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: A complete path to a location for a component origin.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique dependency path ID.\n example: eb9d5f8c-1791-4bd3-83c3-ac40b6449db1\n matchType:\n type: string\n description: |\n Package manager scan match types: FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT, FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n Signature scan match types: FILE_EXACT, FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH, FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED, FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n enum:\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_DIRECT\n - FILE_DEPENDENCY_TRANSITIVE\n - FILE_EXACT\n - FILE_EXACT_FILE_MATCH\n - FILE_FILES_ADDED_DELETED_AND_MODIFIED\n - FILE_SOME_FILES_MODIFIED\n externalIds:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: External ids will not be present for signature scan matches.\n example: org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:1.7.1\n fileUri:\n type: string\n description: Signature scan matches are to a file path. This value will not be present for package manager scan matches.\n example: file:///WEB-INF/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.13.jar\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/findings/licenses/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetLicenseByID\n summary: Get license by ID\n description: Gets an individual license by its identifier.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The license identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/licenses/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeLicenseText\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license text. License text can be null.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single license.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.licenses-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - licenseFamily\n - spdxId\n description: A single license.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily:\n type: string\n example: PERMISSIVE\n licenseText:\n type: string\n description: Content of the license.\n example: This is sample license content represented by a relatively short string.\n spdxId:\n type: string\n description: Software Package Data Exchange ID.\n example: Apache-2.0\n _type:\n type: string\n example: licenses\n example:\n id: 6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n name: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily: PERMISSIVE\n licenseText: This is sample license content represented by a relatively short string.\n spdxId: Apache-2.0\n _type: licenses\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n rel: self\n method: GET\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/licenses:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetLicenses\n summary: Get licenses\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of licenses matching scoping and filtering rules. When scope is not provided, all licenses are retrieved.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: The ID of the project used to scope this request.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeLicenseText\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license text. License text can be null.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicensesForIgnoredComponentVersions\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include licenses for component versions marked as ignored.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeComponentVersionCount\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include associated component version count.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of licenses.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.licenses-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - licenseFamily\n - spdxId\n description: A single license.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily:\n type: string\n example: PERMISSIVE\n licenseText:\n type: string\n description: Content of the license.\n example: This is sample license content represented by a relatively short string.\n spdxId:\n type: string\n description: Software Package Data Exchange ID.\n example: Apache-2.0\n _type:\n type: string\n example: licenses\n - type: object\n properties:\n usage:\n type: object\n description: How many times the license is used by various entities.\n properties:\n componentVersionCount:\n type: integer\n description: How many component versions are currently using this license, as defined by the provided scope (e.g. projectId)\n example: 3\n example:\n _items:\n - id: 7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93\n name: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily: PERMISSIVE\n spdxId: Apache-2.0\n _cursor: AAAAAQ==\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/component-versions?projectId=3403f56f-dcd7-45e8-a3c2-a47a6cd30481&_filter=license:id==7cae335f-1193-421e-92f1-8802b4243e93\n rel: component-versions\n method: GET\n _type: licenses\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=1\n rel: last\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_cursor=AAAAAQ==&_first=1\n rel: next\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 5\n pageCount: 10\n _type: licenses\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/findings/licenses/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: updatedTaxonomyGetLicenseCount\n summary: Count licenses\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of license counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: projectId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the project specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with `applicationId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeLicensesForIgnoredComponentVersions\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include licenses for component versions marked as ignored.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of license aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris.findings.licenses-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _links\n - _collection\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n description: A collection meta object for cursor-based pagination.\n required:\n - itemCount\n - pageCount\n - _type\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0.\n example: 10\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - group\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n example:\n _items:\n - count: 26\n group:\n - key: license:licenseFamily\n value: PERMISSIVE\n _cursor: AAAAAA==\n _type: license-counts\n _links:\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: self\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_first=1\n rel: first\n method: GET\n - href: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/findings/licenses/_actions/count?projectId=0b876c04-1747-4374-a6b6-ca08586440c6&_last=1\n rel: last\n method: GET\n _collection:\n itemCount: 1\n pageCount: 1\n _type: license-counts\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n /api/specialization-layer-service/licenses/{id}:\n get:\n operationId: getLicenseByID\n summary: Get license by ID\n description: Gets an individual license by its identifier.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: id\n in: path\n required: true\n description: The license identifier. This ID can be found under `id` in `/licenses/_actions/list`.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _includeLicenseText\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license text. License text can be null.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A single license.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.license-1+json:\n schema:\n required:\n - id\n - name\n - licenseFamily\n - spdxId\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: A single license.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily:\n type: string\n example: PERMISSIVE\n licenseText:\n type: string\n description: Content of the license.\n example: This is sample license content represented by a relatively short string.\n spdxId:\n type: string\n description: Software Package Data Exchange ID.\n example: Apache-2.0\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '404':\n description: |\n Returned when a requested resource cannot be found.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:data-not-found\n title: Not found\n status: 404\n detail: Requested data cannot be found\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/licenses/_actions/list:\n get:\n operationId: getLicenses\n summary: Get licenses\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of licenses matching scoping and filtering rules.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeLicenseText\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include the license text. License text can be null.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeLicensesForIgnoredComponentVersions\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include licenses for component versions marked as ignored.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n - name: _includeComponentVersionCount\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include associated component version count.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of licenses.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.license-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _cursor\n properties:\n _cursor:\n type: string\n description: >\n A nondescript string reference to where in the list of results the item is. Items within a collection should have it. This can be helpful for making precise\n paginated requests. You will never need to modify or synthesize a cursor value, they should always be provided from prior responses.\n example: AAAAAQ==\n - required:\n - id\n - name\n - licenseFamily\n - spdxId\n allOf:\n - type: object\n required:\n - _type\n - _links\n properties:\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n - type: object\n description: A single license.\n properties:\n id:\n type: string\n description: The unique license ID.\n example: 6cef2392-0941-41af-b7cb-8f5c21e03bc0\n name:\n type: string\n example: Apache License 2.0\n licenseFamily:\n type: string\n example: PERMISSIVE\n licenseText:\n type: string\n description: Content of the license.\n example: This is sample license content represented by a relatively short string.\n spdxId:\n type: string\n description: Software Package Data Exchange ID.\n example: Apache-2.0\n - type: object\n properties:\n usage:\n type: object\n description: How many times the license is used by various entities.\n properties:\n componentVersionCount:\n type: integer\n description: How many component versions are currently using this license, as defined by the provided scope (e.g. portfolioSubItemId)\n example: 3\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\n /api/specialization-layer-service/licenses/_actions/count:\n get:\n operationId: getLicenseCount\n summary: Count licenses\n description: Retrieves a paginated list of license counts matching scoping and filtering rules, optionally grouped by zero or more fields.\n tags:\n - License query\n parameters:\n - name: portfolioSubItemId\n in: query\n required: true\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the portfolio subitem specified by the ID.\n\n This parameter is mutually exclusive with the `applicationId` and `portfolioItemId`, but one must be set.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: branchId\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Results will include only entities found in the branch specified by the ID.\n schema:\n type: string\n - name: _sort\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Sort results by a given ordering. If this is not provided, a reasonable default will be used so that pagination works consistently.\n\n Sorting should follow the following syntax: {field_name}|{asc|desc}[,{field_name}|{asc|desc}[,...]]\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to sort, and then the ordering direction (\"asc\" or \"desc\"), joined by a pipe character\n (`|`).\n example: field_name|asc\n - name: _filter\n in: query\n description: |\n A filter string that further limits the results returned, expressed in [rsql](https://github.com/jirutka/rsql-parser)\n format.\n\n Please see the filtering syntax documentation in this specification for further details on how to express an issue filter.\n schema:\n type: string\n format: rsql\n - name: _group\n in: query\n explode: false\n description: |\n Zero or more fields to group the results by. If no fields are provided, the results will be given as a single aggregation over the entire list of results.\n\n Please see the grouping syntax documentation in this specification.\n schema:\n type: array\n items:\n type: string\n description: |\n The field name to group by.\n - name: _cursor\n in: query\n schema:\n type: string\n description: |\n This argument accepts a cursor to return the next (or previous) page of results, after (or before) _but not including_ the record with\n the provided cursor. It is similar to an offset for forward or backward pagination using a cursor. However you will never need to modify or synthesize a\n cursor value, they will always be provided from a prior response.\n\n If it's not set, depending on the direction of the pagination,\n the cursor will be positioned just before the beginning of the list (for forward pagination) or after the last record (for backward pagination).\n - name: _first\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the first n results seen after the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the start of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for forward pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_last` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _last\n in: query\n schema:\n type: number\n minimum: 1\n maximum: 500\n example: 100\n description: |\n This argument limits the number of results returned to the last n results seen before the cursor defined\n in the `_cursor` parameter (or the end of the list if `_cursor` is not defined). It is used for backward\n pagination using a cursor.\n\n This is mutually exclusive with `_first` parameter.\n If neither `_first` nor `_last` are set, at most the first 100 results will be returned.\n - name: _includeLicensesForIgnoredComponentVersions\n in: query\n description: Indicates whether to include licenses for component versions marked as ignored.\n schema:\n type: boolean\n default: false\n example: true\n responses:\n '200':\n description: A paginated list of license aggregation results.\n content:\n application/vnd.polaris-one.issue-management.license-aggregation-result-paginated-list-1+json:\n schema:\n allOf:\n - type: object\n properties:\n _links:\n type: array\n description: |\n An array of links that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n An individual link that can be followed for further information about this resource.\n required:\n - href\n - rel\n - method\n properties:\n href:\n type: string\n format: uri\n description: |\n The URI to follow for this reference.\n example: https://polaris.blackduck.com/api/service/path/_actions/list?_cursor=BBDDDx==&_last=10\n rel:\n type: string\n format: rel\n description: |\n The relation name. The relation names used for pagination are: `self`, `first`, `last`, `previous`, and `next`.\n example: self\n method:\n type: string\n description: |\n The HTTP method to use while following this reference.\n example: GET\n _collection:\n type: object\n properties:\n itemCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The total length of the collection. An empty result has an itemCount of 0.\n example: 100\n pageCount:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The number of pages in the collection, given the current limit settings. An empty result has a pageCount of 0\n example: 10\n currentPage:\n type: integer\n description: >\n The current page number of the results (one-based), given the current offset and limit settings. An empty result does not have a current page. **Warning:** This field is\n hardcoded at 1 for endpoints using cursor-based pagination since it is not something that can be calculated.\n example: 1\n _type:\n type: string\n description: |\n Property indicating what the resource type is. This can be helpful when building ORM semantics around the Polaris data model (for example, Ember Data).\n example: issues\n - type: object\n properties:\n _items:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n required:\n - group\n description: |\n An individual record in the aggregation result.\n properties:\n group:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n description: |\n The individual group value.\n properties:\n key:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group key.\n value:\n type: string\n description: |\n The group value.\n description: |\n The group values, in the order that they were provided in the query.\n count:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The aggregated count for this group.\n '400':\n description: |\n Returned when the request could not be fulfilled due to a syntax or logical error.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:bad-request\n title: Request Validation Failed\n status: 400\n detail: applicationId and projectId are mutually exclusive, you must specify only one of them\n locationId: '123456'\n '401':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to missing or invalid authentication.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: JSON\n status: 401\n '403':\n description: |\n Returned when the request was explicitly rejected by the remote server due to insufficient permissions.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:resource-access-not-allowed\n title: Resource Access Not Allowed\n status: 403\n detail: Access Not Allowed\n locationId: '123456'\n '406':\n description: |\n Returned when the server cannot produce a response matching the accept header provided in the request.\n content:\n application/problem+json:\n schema:\n type: object\n required:\n - type\n - status\n description: |\n Provides an [RFC 7807](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807)-compliant response\n as a way to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to\n define new error response formats for HTTP APIs.\n properties:\n type:\n type: string\n description: |\n The URI which uniquely identifies the problem. This URI will not change from occurrence to occurrence of the same problem.\n example: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:issue-not-found\n title:\n type: string\n description: |\n A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It _should not_ change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem type, except for purposes of localization.\n example: Resource not found\n status:\n type: integer\n description: |\n The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n example: 404\n detail:\n type: string\n description: |\n A localized, human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n example: The requested resource could not be found.\n instance:\n type: string\n description: |\n A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.\n remediation:\n type: string\n nullable: true\n description: |\n A human-readable proposed action for the user to take in order to recover from this problem. This field can be null.\n locationId:\n type: string\n description: |\n An identifier for this specific occurrence/instance of the problem.\n example:\n type: urn:x-specialization-layer-service:not-acceptable\n title: Not Acceptable\n status: 406\n detail: Accept header provided is not supported\n locationId: '123456'\n deprecated: true\ncomponents:\n securitySchemes:\n ApiKeyAuth:\n type: apiKey\n in: header\n name: Api-Token\n"