Create and manage Policies
There are three types of policies in Polaris:
- Issue policies: Use issue policies to automate actions when issues with specific properties are detected in a test (including setting fix-by dates, if necessary).
- Component policies: Use component policies to automate actions when components with specific properties are detected in a SCA test.
- Test scheduling policies: Use test scheduling policies to automate tests of SCM-integrated branches on a weekly or daily basis.
Organization Admins and Organization Application Managers can create and manage policies on the Policies page.
Default policies
Organization Admins and Organization Application Managers can change their organization's default policies. The organization's default policies are automatically applied to new applications and projects.
Organization Admins, Organization Application Managers, and Application Admins can change a project's default polices (effectively, override or disable the organization's default policies).
Assign policies to branches
Each project's default policies are applied to the project's default branch, but can be disabled.
When you create or edit non-default branches, you can:
- Use the project's default policies.
- Manually select policies for the branch (effectively, override the project's default policies).
- Disable policies for the branch.
Policy permissions
Before you proceed, review policy-related permissions here: Roles and permissions.