Polaris UI Reporting Page

Create a customized downloadable report of your SAST, SCA, and DAST test results.

SAST/SCA issue data and test quantities are only retrieved from default branches in SAST & SCA projects (and SAST/SCA issue data and test quantities from non-default branches is ignored). Issues you import from third-party tools appear in reports, but the components and licenses associated with issues you import do not.

Table 1. Reporting page interfaces

Recent Reports tab

Create and manage reports.

Note: See Create a report for more information.
Filter Filter by type of report, date(s), or status.
+ Create Report Create a new report.
Search Search reports from the past 30 days.

Table fields

  • View details of report.
  • Download report.
  • Delete a report.
  • Status of a report (completed/failed).
    Note: Reports are auto-deleted after 30 days.

Saved Configurations tab

Create and manage report configurations.

Note: See Create and manage report configurations for more information.
Filter Filter report configurations by type of report or date created.
+ Create Configuration Create a new report configuration.
Search Search for report configurations by name.

Table fields

  • Report configuration names.
  • Report configuration schedules.
  • Report type.
  • Report scope.
  • The date each configuration was created.