+ New Test |
Run a test. See How to test from the web UI. |
Date Range |
A filter to find tests run between two dates. |
Applications/Projects/Branches |
A filter to find tests run against specific applications, projects, or branches. |
Test Types |
A filter to find DAST, External Analysis, SAST, or SCA tests. DAST tests can be
further filtered by API or Web
App. SCA tests can be further filtered by
Package Manager or Signature
Analysis. |
Mode |
Filter tests by how they started. |
Status |
A filter to find tests with specific statuses. |
Clear Filters |
Clear filter selections. |
Refresh |
Update the page. |
Table fields |
- Test Date: The date and time when the test started.
- Test ID: An ID that uniquely identifies the test.
- Test Mode: How the test started (CI/CD, DAST, IDE, SCM, Source Upload, or Third Party Result Upload).
Note: By default, tests you run using Code Sight (from your IDE) are hidden.
- Application name: The application that was tested. Select an application to open the Application page.
- Project: The project that was tested. Select a project to open the Project page.
- Branch/Profile: The branch (for SAST & SCA projects) or profile (for DAST projects) that was tested.
- Select a branch to open the branch on the Project page.
- Select a profile to view issues in the DAST project on the Project page.
- Test Type: The type of test performed (DAST, External Analysis, SAST, or SCA).
Tip: Hover over SCA in the Test Type column to see the type (SCA - Package Manager or SCA - Signature Analysis).
- Test Status: Shows percentage done, progress bar and status (Completed, Canceled, etc.).
- Dialog icon: Select a comment icon
to view comments from Black Duck assessors.Note: Assessor triage is only available on a SAST & SCA project's default branch.
- Test Time: Shows how long test took to complete.
- Policy Violations: Shows the quantity of policy violations detected in the test, and the quantity of issue and component policies assigned to the project (or branch) when the test started. Open the dropdown menu to see the names of the issue and component policies, along with links to view issues that violate different rules.
Note: Dropdown menus only appear next to completed tests if issue/component policies were assigned to the branch (for SAST & SCA projects) or DAST project when the test started. Component policies only appear for SCA tests. See Monitor policy on the Tests page for more information.
When you create non-default branches, policies are disabled by default. You can enable policies on non-default branches when you Add a branch to a project or Edit a branch.