Integrate an Azure DevOps Repository

How to integrating a single Azure DevOps repository to a project.

Steps for Integrating an Azure DevOps Repository to a Project

This allows you to select the repository when creating a new test for the project (see How to test from the web UI). Only one repository can be used per project.
  1. From Application, select a Project and navigate to Settings > Integrations.
  2. Select Cloud-hosted.
  3. Select the source of your repository: Azure Repos.
  4. Enter the Repository URL.
    To obtain the repository's URL, open your Azure project, click the Clone button, copy the HTTPS URL (SSH is not supported).

    Note: Polaris SCM Repository Integration does not support ".git" at the end of an Azure repository URL. For details, see "Import Git repositories from third-party SCM providers" below.
  5. Enter the Repository Access Token.
    Depending on your choice for source above, you will need to generate an access token then paste it into the text field.
    Note: Due to security reasons, if you change any of your repository settings, you will have to enter the Access Token again.

    When creating an access token:

    • From Settings pulldown, select Personal Access Token.

    • Click +New Token.

    • Enter a Name for the token and select your Organization.

    • Set the token's Expiration date. To avoid issues, we recommend the longest setting which is one year from creation.
    • Under Code, check Read.
    • Click Create.
      Note: For more information on creating access tokens, see the documentation for Azure DevOps (link).
  6. Click Test your Connection. A spinning circle indicates the test is in progress.
  7. If your connection test is unsuccessful, check the following and retry:
    1. Your network connection is stable.
    2. Check the Repository URL and Access Token to make sure they are accurate.
    3. Check that the Repository Access Token is still valid and has not expired.
    4. Check that you selected the correct provider for your source repository.
  8. If your connection is successful, click Save.
You can then scan on demand (see How to test from the web UI) or schedule automatic testing on a daily or weekly basis (see Test scheduling policies).
Note: From the Tests screen, before beginning a test manually, make sure to test the connection.

Import Git repositories from third-party SCM providers

When you import a Git repository from a third-party SCM provider into your Azure DevOps project, Azure DevOps may append ".git" to the end of the repository's name. When this occurs, Polaris will not accept the repository's URL. To integrate imported Azure DevOps repositories with Polaris, ensure they're named correctly:

  1. In Azure DevOps, select Import repository.

  2. Select Git as Repository type.
  3. Enter the source repository's URL in the Clone URL field.
  4. By default, the Name field is added with ".git" at the end of the project name.

  5. Remove ".git" from the Name field.

  6. Click Import.