Issue tracking integrations

Set up an issue tracking integration to send issues captured in Polaris to Azure DevOps or Jira.

After you set up an issue tracking integration, you can export DAST, SAST, and SCA issues in your Polaris projects to Azure DevOps or Jira. When you export an issue to Azure DevOps or Jira, Polaris creates a ticket (a work item, or Jira issue) that includes detailed information about the issue, remediation guidance, and helpful links. You can select the type of ticket Polaris creates when you set up the integration. See Export an issue to Azure DevOps or Jira for more information.

Additionally, setting up an issue tracking integration allows you to create tickets using issue policies (with the Create and bundle to 1 external issue tracker ticket action). When violations are captured in a test of a project's default branch, Polaris creates a single ticket linked to all of the violating issues. The ticket includes the name of the violated policy, the names of violated rules, and links you can use to view issues that violate different rules in Polaris. See Issue policies for more information.

Find links to the tickets Polaris creates on the Issues tab (in the Bug Tracking column), and the Issue Details panel (under Bug Tracking).

Note: You can add multiple instances of Azure DevOps and Jira to your organization, but each Polaris project can only be connected to one Azure DevOps or Jira project.

Set up an issue tracking integration

To set up an issue tracking integration, you'll need to perform the following tasks:
  1. Ensure you meet the prerequisites for the integration, which vary from platform to platform:
  2. Set up the connection between Polaris and Azure DevOps or Jira:
  3. Connect a project in Polaris to a project in Azure DevOps or Jira:

Remove or modify an issue tracking integration

Important: Please note that links that appear in the Issues view can't be overwritten. Once an issue is linked to a ticket (via manual export, or an issue policy violation), it cannot be linked to a new ticket. Even if the project's issue tracking integration is removed or updated, links to tickets are preserved.

Remove or update a project's issue tracking integration

To change a Polaris project's issue tracking integration, follow these steps:
  1. In Polaris, go to Portfolio.
  2. Open an application and then open a project.
  3. Go to Settings > Integrations.
  4. Under Issue Tracker, select Delete.
  5. (Optional) Set up the project's issue tracking integration and select Save.

Remove an Azure DevOps or Jira instance

To remove an Azure DevOps or Jira instance from Polaris, follow these steps:
Note: Only organization administrators can complete these steps.
  1. Go to My Organization > Integrations.
  2. Select the Remove icon next to the instance you wish to remove.
    A confirmation appears.
    CAUTION: When you remove an Azure DevOps or Jira instance, any projects that use the instance are disconnected from it. This action cannot be undone, and any connections that are affected can only be restored manually (one project at a time).
  3. Select OK.